My appointment
Question Builder from healthdirect
Ways you may be offered your appointment
You will have been sent either a letter, SMS/text, or email (only for Virtual Care | Telehealth ) for your upcoming appointment. Please update your details with us if they have changed.
There are several ways you can see your doctor or health professional including:
Face to face | In person
You will need to attend a hospital or healthcare facility to be seen by your health professional.
A health professional will call you on your phone, this may be your home phone or mobile.
Please choose a quiet and private space so you can answer and ask questions.
Face to face | Telehealth (video conferencing)
You will need to connect with your health professional using the details provided to you via SMS or email. You will need a computer or smart device e.g. mobile phone or iPad, as well as internet access. The appointment can take place at your home, with your GP or at a Queensland Health facility.
Further information is available on the Queensland Health Telehealth website.
Please note: You may not be seen at the exact time you were booked. Waiting time may vary.
For telephone and telehealth appointments, please choose a quiet and private space so you can answer and ask questions.
Please ask your health care professional about any future appointments you may require.