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Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program - Virtual workshop

Events Spiro events

Date: 4 April 2025
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: Virtual workshop

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines.


Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program - TPCH

Events Spiro events

Date: 2 May 2025
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: The Prince Charles Hospital, Chermside.

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines.


Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program - Virtual workshop

Events Spiro events

Date: 23 May 2025
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: Virtual workshop

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines.

Masks are encouraged here...
Masks are an important defence against respiratory illness and protection from dust and other airborne hazards.
Need the Emergency Department?
Try the Virtual Emergency Care Service first.

Metro North Health

Level 14, Block 7 Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital HERSTON QLD 4029

Phone: (07) 3646 8111

Register now for the #NextCare Health Conference 2022

/ MetroNorthHHS

Comments Box SVG iconsUsed for the like, share, comment, and reaction icons
12 hours ago

Baby Theodore Alfred has had a whirlwind few weeks since being born early on Australia Day, spending five weeks in the Caboolture Hospital Neonatal Unit - and even making it home in time for his first cyclone!

After plenty of TLC from the Caboolture team, he was finally ready to go home, when news of the weather hit.

"We were assured we could stay if the cyclone hit, but we really wanted to get him home beforehand,” Kaitlyn said.

Mum said the cyclone did make them feel nervous, but after being discharged, baby “Teddy” and his family hunkered down at home, spending quality time together.
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Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program - Virtual workshop

Events Spiro events

Date: 4 April 2025
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: Virtual workshop

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines.


Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program - TPCH

Events Spiro events

Date: 2 May 2025
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: The Prince Charles Hospital, Chermside.

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines.


Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program - Virtual workshop

Events Spiro events

Date: 23 May 2025
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: Virtual workshop

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines.

Masks are encouraged here...
Masks are an important defence against respiratory illness and protection from dust and other airborne hazards.
Need the Emergency Department?
Try the Virtual Emergency Care Service first.

Metro North Health

Level 14, Block 7
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

Phone: (07) 3646 8111

/ MetroNorthHHS

Comments Box SVG iconsUsed for the like, share, comment, and reaction icons
12 hours ago

Baby Theodore Alfred has had a whirlwind few weeks since being born early on Australia Day, spending five weeks in the Caboolture Hospital Neonatal Unit - and even making it home in time for his first cyclone!

After plenty of TLC from the Caboolture team, he was finally ready to go home, when news of the weather hit.

"We were assured we could stay if the cyclone hit, but we really wanted to get him home beforehand,” Kaitlyn said.

Mum said the cyclone did make them feel nervous, but after being discharged, baby “Teddy” and his family hunkered down at home, spending quality time together.
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Register now for the #NextCare Health Conference 2022
Masks are encouraged here...
Masks are an important defence against respiratory illness and protection from dust and other airborne hazards.
Need the Emergency Department?
Try the Virtual Emergency Care Service first.
Level 14, Block 7
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

Phone: (07) 3646 8111

Register now for the #NextCare Health Conference 2022

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Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program - Virtual workshop

Events Spiro events

Date: 4 April 2025
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: Virtual workshop

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines.


Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program - TPCH

Events Spiro events

Date: 2 May 2025
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: The Prince Charles Hospital, Chermside.

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines.


Queensland Health Spirometry Training Program - Virtual workshop

Events Spiro events

Date: 23 May 2025
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Venue: Virtual workshop

The Spirometry training program provides clinicians with the skills, knowledge and specific competencies required to perform spirometry to international standards and Queensland Health guidelines.

/ MetroNorthHHS

Comments Box SVG iconsUsed for the like, share, comment, and reaction icons
12 hours ago

Baby Theodore Alfred has had a whirlwind few weeks since being born early on Australia Day, spending five weeks in the Caboolture Hospital Neonatal Unit - and even making it home in time for his first cyclone!

After plenty of TLC from the Caboolture team, he was finally ready to go home, when news of the weather hit.

"We were assured we could stay if the cyclone hit, but we really wanted to get him home beforehand,” Kaitlyn said.

Mum said the cyclone did make them feel nervous, but after being discharged, baby “Teddy” and his family hunkered down at home, spending quality time together.
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