
E-mobility – Current perspectives and future directions

RACS Trauma Week brings together trauma professionals from Australia and New Zealand to address issues relating to trauma prevention and trauma care. This year’s topic – e-mobility – Current perspectives and future directions – explores the e-mobility trend that has seen an explosion of e-scooters on roads and paths in cities around the world. Since their introduction, e-scooter related trauma has increased substantially, with injuries and deaths in riders, passengers and pedestrians placing further pressure on first responders as well as hospital and health systems.

Trauma Committee members, Kate Martin FRACS and Prof Kirsten Vallmuur, JTI, will convene the symposium which will address the current perspective – legislation, injury statistics, patterns of injury, risk factors, lessons from the field – ambulance, ED, trauma, coroners, surveillance and future directions/potential solutions.

Registrations to open in July.

Friday 17 November 2023

Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Education Precinct Function Room, QUT, Kelvin Grove Campus, Brisbane

Email: Jamieson_Trauma_Institute@


2024-05-23T12:37:36+10:005 June 2023|
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