
RBWH Research report 2019
RBWH Research report
Research at Royal continues to grow as demonstrated in this review of the outcomes from 2019. There were 476 staff that identified as having a research role at RBWH, leading close to 700 individual research projects and collaborating in another 500 research projects. Over 300 students undertaking research projects at an honours, masters or doctorate level were supervised, and 16 staff completed their PhDs!
Jamieson Trauma Institute
Level 13, Block 7
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
Newsletter – February
Happy new year! We hope that you had a good break, spending time with your loved ones and recharging your batteries for the new year. These recent weeks have been a busy period for JTI, full of kick-off meetings for exciting new projects. These projects will focus on addressing trauma and its effects, with a clear plan for implementation, and they represent our mission for quality improvement and a genuine zest for collaboration.