Grants Awarded
Grant | Year |
Empowering inclusion of Queenslanders with disability to elevate participation and well-being through sport: A person led, data-driven initiative to break down barriers - M Schuetz, T Smyth, M Moss, S Coulter, M Ames, D Cross, I Walker, D Palipana, A Lynham, S Tweedy, B Abernethy, J Cairney, K Mengersen, C Riot et al - Games Venues and Legacy Delivery Authority (Qld Govt) | 2024 |
Rehabilitation Services Innovation: a Collaborative Program for Technology Integration, Transdisciplinary Care and Data-Driven Outcomes - A Melendez-Calderon, C Shirota, H Kajewski, O Mason, T Mahoney, J Donovan, C Cave, L Passier, V Moug, C Afoakwah, C Patullo, T Cudmore - Motor Accident Insurance Commission Innovative Research Action Awards | 2024 |
Navigating Injured patient Journeys through Emergency care to Recovery Road Trauma Pilot (NINJER-RTP) - K Vallmuur, T Saunders, S Cramb, M Wynn, A ter Hofstede, R Andrews, C Afoakwah, S Banu, J Warren, A Rolley, C Gibbs, T Cudmore - Motor Accident Insurance Commission Innovative Research Action Awards | 2024 |
Building a legion of roadside immediate responders: STOP THE BLEED® enhancement and evaluation - M Muller, C Santomauro, S Pearce, F Williamson, S Manzanero, S Grantham - Motor Accident Insurance Commission Innovative Research Action Awards | 2024 |
Optimising management of open tibia fractures to prevent fracture related infection - A Trampuz, AL Foster, B Woods, A Lewandowski, C Afoakwah, S Manzanero, Z Welyczko, K Tetsworth, MA Schuetz - Motor Accident Insurance Commission Innovative Research Action Awards | 2024 |
Mapping the trends, risk factors and cost of pelvic trauma hospitalisations - I Gosper, M Schuetz, S Banu, F Williamson, K Vallmuur, S Cramb, C Afoakwah, C Morrey, G Van de Pol, Z Welyczko - Motor Accident Insurance Commission Innovative Research Action Awards | 2024 |
Development of a global outcome measure for trauma - M Schuetz, M Verhofstad, M Raschke, I Civil, T Miclau, B Gabbe - AO Innovation funding | 2024 |
Pioneering a national âFood Atlasâ to map, measure and monitor food access across Australia - P Hooper, L Thornton, M Cooper, C Pulker, A Bivoltsis, S Cramb (AI) â NHMRC Ideas grant | 2024 |
Integrating drone solutions into the Royal Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section)'s medical chest service to address health disparities in underserved communities  S Banu, M Schuetz, J O'Gorman, S Francis, E Doran, B Schmutz, B Droder, C Afoakwah - Amazon Web Services Health Equity Grant | 2023 |
Exploring patient's experience of receiving care for acute low back pain in the emergency department  P Barlas, T Smyth , J Heine, S O'Leary  RBWH Foundation | 2023 |
Transforming person-centred care through quality consumer and community involvement in research  L Anemaat, J Muller, G Robinson, D Copland, E Doig, M O'Sullivan, A Young, T Smyth, S Manzanero, D Herbert, D Tam, J Schults, K Charles, R Latimore  RBWH Foundation | 2023 |
Addressing significant product safety knowledge gaps for older Australians  K Vallmuur, K Purser, L Buys, I Lewis, A Abrahams, J Harrison, H Badge  Australian Research Council Discovery Project | 2023 |
Effectiveness of Zinc Supplementation in Respiratory Infections in COPD Patients: A Randomised Controlled Trial  P Asare, C Afoakwah, B Ahinkorah, A McCarron, S Sterling - Medical Research Future Fund Early To Mid-Career Researchers Initiative | 2023 |
Revision of the Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service Trauma Activation System: an implementation, evaluation and knowledge translation study  E Wake, J Forbes, A Marshall, J Ranse, D Campbell, G Kjeizers, M Harris, M Wullschleger, S Banu, S George - Gold Coast Health Collaborative Research Grant Scheme 2023 | 2023 |
EPIC-Tech: Engineering and Physiotherapy Interdisciplinary Collaboration with Technology - exploration of a transdisciplinary approach to allied health services at the Princess Alexandra Hospital  C Shirota, C Cave, J Mitchell, A Melendez-Calderon, W Mitchell, R Bell - Hopkins Centre Seed Funding 2023 | 2023 |
Harnessing the power of participant goals: eliciting quantifiable themes  J Warren, K Vallmuur- NIISQ research and education project concept proposal | 2023 |
Navigating INjured patient Journeys through Emergency care to Recovery (NINJER) Consumer engagement  K Vallmuur, T Saunders, S Cramb, A Rolley, J Warren, B Kleverlaan, C Gibbs, C Sullivan, R Andrews, M Thandar Wynn, A ter Hofstede, C Cameron, C Afoakwah, S Banu, A Melendez-Calderon, J Hung, L Mortimer - Health Translation Queensland Consumer and Community Involvement Microgrants | 2023 |
Can interactive online learning using enhanced technology adequately teach trauma-based procedural skills to emergency nursing clinicians?  F Williamson, K Thompson, C Parker, D Candusso, L Lockyer, M Muller, G Winter, T Saunders, M Dodds - Emergency Medicine Foundation Leading Edge Grant Round 39 | 2023 |
Development of Global Outcome Measure for Trauma  S Connell, M Schuetz, N Tapela - Transport and Accident Commission of Victoria | 2023 |
Antibiotic exposure at site of orthopaedic device-related infections. A pilot and feasibility observational study  T Kelly, P Chapman, W Steadman, G Van de Pol, S Wallis, M Cotta, J Lipman  RBWH Foundation | 2023 |
National Injury Prevention Strategy Update. Product Safety Additions  K Hunter, K Vallmuur, C Niven, K Clapham, B Beck, D Scott, J Elkington - Department of Health and Aged Care | 2023 |
Clinical and health economics implications of routine CTCA for emergency department assessment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at risk of acute coronary syndrome  L Cullen, W Parsonage, L Stephensen, R Mahoney, J Greenslade, R Ihdayhid, DK Chew, Z Tyack, A Goodman, S Cramb , G Starmer, A McKivett, G Figtree, V McCreanor, G Hillis, N Brown, K Starmer, S Nguyen, K Mcneil, J Rigney, V Campbell, T Davis  Medical Research Future Fund Cardiovascular Health Mission | 2023 |
Applications of a novel neurosurgical service accessibility index to improve emergency care of people sustaining a road trauma-related traumatic brain injury in Queensland - Gibbs C, Warren J, Vallmuur K, Cramb S, Rolley A, Woodley A, Mitchell G, Watson A, Parsons R, Hayden C - Emergency Medicine Foundation Special Research Program 'Trauma Care in Regional, Rural and Remote Queensland', funded by Motor Accident Insurance Commission | 2022 |
AUS-mTBI: designing and implementing the health informatics approaches to enhance treatment and care for people with mild TBI - M Fitzgerald, J Bullen, P McCrory, K Barlow, L Collins-Praino, J Young, S Hellewell, K Vallmuur, A Ring, P Bragge, G Simpson, J Gilroy, N Lannin, D Fatovich, M Makdissi, P Kwan, C Levi, Z Ge, G Davis, B Gabbe, P Parizel, G Charalambous, F Babl, K Curtis, K Caeyenberghs, J Cullen, S Shultz, P Ratajczak, V Anderson, D Henrie, T O'Brien, F Nasrallah, E Armstrong, J Olver, L Togher, N Rushworth, J Fleming, B Mitra, G Mitchell, S McDonald, M Reade, M van den Berg, J Ponsford, J-K Williams, J Ziebell, G Cowen, A Hutchinson, A Gardner, T Ownsworth, D Menon - MRFF Traumatic Brain Injury Mission 2021 (Stream 1) | 2022 |
Development and application of a 3D measurement protocol for quantifying the anatomical fitting of clavicle plates - J Ludwig, L Wainwright, D Best, S Pearce ÃÂ KLS Martin Group | 2022 |
Development and application of a 3D measurement protocol for quantifying the anatomical fitting of clavicle plates - Z Welyczko, B Schmutz, H Minehara, K Tetsworth, M Schuetz - KLS Martin Group | 2022 |
Digital-powered healthcare: Improving communication, engagement and treatment compliance in patients with implant-related infections - B Schmutz, M Schuetz, U Dulleck, S Whyte, W Steadman - QUT Centre for Biomedical Technologies Industry Engagement Grant | 2022 |
Digital-powered healthcare: Improving communication, engagement and treatment compliance in patients with implant-related infections - W Steadman, P Chapman, B Schmutz, K Tetsworth, B Woods, M Schuetz, U Dulleck, J Brown, A Das, S Dias, B Droder - 2023 SERTA Project Grant, Royal Brisbane and WomenÃÂs Hospital | 2022 |
Enabling data-driven decisions for healthier neighbourhoods: Developing scalable methods to capture healthy food access in South-East Queensland - S Cramb, D Wraith, L Baldwin, H Vidgen - QUT Centre for Data Science Second Byte Scheme | 2022 |
Enhancing neurorehabilitation and functional recovery after neurological injury with co-designed robotic therapy - A Melendez-Calderon, C Shirota, D Giguere, J Fong, H Chung Ling - Bionics Qld Challenge 2022 Early-Stage Bionic Innovation | 2022 |
Predicting in-flight hypotension in aeromedical trauma patients - B Powell, A McKillop, M Edwards, S Cramb - Emergency Medicine Foundation Emerge Grants | 2022 |
Reducing Inappropriate Medications for low back pain in the Emergency department (RIME): a controlled interrupted time-series implementation study - OÃÂLeary S, Foster N, Mitchell G, Smyth T, Warren J, Comans T, Machado G, Barlas P, Cottrell M, Heine J, See W - HCF Research Foundation Translational Research Grants | 2022 |
Where are you injured? Next generation liquid biopsy for active patient management - J Ross, J Doecke, W Locke, YJ Liew, C Ma, DK Bradford, D Murray, C Pollard, K Palmer, M Fahey, M Wullschleger, D Cavallucci - CSIRO ResearchPlus CERC Fellowship Grants | 2022 |
An informatics approach to predict outcomes and monitor intervention efficacy following moderate to severe traumatic brain injury - Fitzgerald L, Gabbe B, Lannin N, Vallmuur K,âÃÂæ - MRFF 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury Mission - Stream 1 | 2021 |
An Innovative 3D Printed Patient-Specific Bone Scaffold Design for the Treatment of Large Volume Bone Defects âÃÂàWille M, Hutmacher DW, Suresh S, Chhaya M, Khani N, Laubach M, Holzapfel BM, Wagels M, Little P, Schmutz B, Schuetz M - Clive & Vera Ramaciotti Foundation & QUT | 2021 |
Antibiotic coated rods: a 15-year experience of Indications, Surgical Techniques and Clinical Outcomes - Foster A, Tetsworth K, Schuetz M, Crawford R, Jaiprakash, Warren J, Paterson D - Queensland Orthopaedic Research Fund Grant 2021 | 2021 |
Impact of location on access to trauma care and rehabilitation services: Developing an Accessibility/Remoteness Index for traumatic brain injury in Queensland - Cramb S, Woodley A, Warren J, Vallmuur K, Gibbs C - ACEMS Sprint Funding | 2021 |
Novel modelling to improve decision-making for neighbourhood design to reduce chronic disease risk - Rowan A, Midwinter M, Brown J - Medical Research Future Fund Frontier Health and Medical Research Program | 2021 |
PLACE (Prioritising Location-based Analysis and Consumer Engagement) for Change - Cramb S - NHMRC EL1 Investigator Award | 2021 |
PREDICT-TBI - PREdiction and Diagnosis using Imaging and Clinical biomarkers Trial in Traumatic Brain Injury: the value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Nasrallah F, Pollard C, Winter C, Brouwers C, Flaws D, Jacobson E, Mitchell G, Warren J, Bellapart J, McMahon K, Hennessy M, Midwinter M, O'Sullivan M, Reade M, Redmond M, Schuetz M, Brown N, Donnelly P, Thomas P, Brown R, Manzanero S, Russell T, McCreanor V - Motor Accident Insurance Commission | 2021 |
Prevalence, health service encounters and economic burdens associated with opioid use in adult spinal cord injury populations - Borg S - Queensland University of Technology Postgraduate Scholarship 2022 | 2021 |
Research co-production with First Nations Australians: informing emergency and injury-related health services research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives: Phase 1 - McCreanor V, Vallmuur K, Binge G, Bosley E, Watt K, Allen M, Cramb S, Dias S, Westacott G - Centre for Healthcare Transformation Grant Enabling Scheme 2021 | 2021 |
Streamlining Management and Rehabilitation with Technology for Ankle fractures: Feasibility Study - Schuetz M, Barlas P, Forster B, Hanly R, Bayley C, Hewlett-Smith N, Crombie A, Jacobson E, Manzanero S, McCreanor V, Hatcher S, Brunello R - Wesley Medical Research 2021 Clinical Innovation Grant Round | 2021 |
The Development of an Australasian Burns Critical Care Registry - Holley A, Droder B, Cohen J, Lipman J, Reade M - RBWH and RBWH Foundation Special Funding Round âÃÂàBurns Research | 2021 |
Treatment of orthopaedic device-related infection with retained implants - Steadman W -Queensland University of Technology Postgraduate Scholarship 2022 | 2021 |
Value-based trauma care: understanding the cost, effect and implementation of an innovative specialist-led multidisciplinary trauma admitting service - Williamson F, McCreanor V, Tyack Z, Wullschleger M, Warren J, Handy M, McPhail S - Metro North Health Collaborative Research Grants | 2021 |
Artificial intelligence-assisted medical consultation portal for orthopaedic device-related infection âÃÂàSchuetz M, Paterson D, Hansen D, McCreanor V, Trampuz A, Foster A âÃÂàBDHP Trauma, Critical Care and Recovery 2020 Theme Funding | 2020 |
Improving emergency trauma care for rural, regional, and remote Queenslanders âÃÂàSantomauro C, McLanders M, Pollard C, Rae D, Sanderson P, Midwinter M âÃÂàAdvance Qld Industry Research Fellowship | 2020 |
Innovative In-Vivo Kinetic System to Facilitate Rehabilitation and Maintenance Residuum Health After Limb Loss âÃÂàFrossard L, Schuetz M, Langton C, Lloyd D, Barrett R, Huang P, Powrie R âÃÂàDepartment of Defense Medical Research and Development Program RESTORE awards | 2020 |
Integrated management of patients with hip fractures (NOF patients) using mobile multidisciplinary communication systems to streamline management and maximise outcomes âÃÂàSchuetz M, Brunello M, Pincus P, Waldie E, Bayley C, Hewlett-Smith N, Chan W, Tsai P, Kaisar O, Droder B, Manzanero S âÃÂàWesley Medical Research 2020 Clinical Research Grant Round | 2020 |
Linking regulatory data, health data and social media to develop an intelligence platform to inform government product safety responses âÃÂàVallmuur K âÃÂàQUT Edge Scheme | 2020 |
Long term burden and cost to the health care system for treatment of injury following transport crashes âÃÂàWarren J âÃÂàRBWH Postgraduate Scholarships 2021 | 2020 |
Nanoscale manufacturing platform to combat pandemics like COVID-19 âÃÂàSchuetz M, Yarlagadda P, Chatterjee K, Hutmacher DW, Spann K, Gu YT, Jaggessar A, Singh A, Hajkowicz K, Bose S, Mathew A âÃÂàAISRF Round 13 COVID19 Collaborative Research Projects | 2020 |
NHMRC CRE in infection management in orthopaedics and trauma âÃÂàSchuetz M âÃÂàQUT URB BID Support | 2020 |
P.A.R.T.Y. (Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth) program âÃÂàCameron CM, Eley R, Watt K, Rudd M, Handy M, O'Neill R âÃÂàBDHP Trauma, Critical Care and Recovery 2020 Theme Funding | 2020 |
PREDICT-TBI - PREdiction and Diagnosis using Imaging and Clinical biomarkers Trial in Traumatic Brain Injury: the value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging âÃÂàNasrallah F, Reutens D, Chandra S, Walsham J, Russell T, Bhuta S, Ross JP, Winter C, Senthuran S, Bellapart J, ... (inc. Pollard C, Warren J, McCreanor V) âÃÂàMedical Research Future Fund 2020 Traumatic Brain Injury Grant | 2020 |
Road Trauma: Modelling the Patient Journey from Pre-hospital Triage to Outcome Using Process Mining âÃÂàWynn MT, ter Hofstede A, Andrews K, Vallmuur K, Bosley E, Rashford S, Gibbs C, Schuetz M, Wullschleger M âÃÂàMotor Accident Insurance Commission | 2020 |
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring to optimise dosing of hydroxychloroquine as a rescue treatment for critically ill adults with COVID-19 infection âÃÂàLaupland K, Roberts J, Cohen J, Reade MC âÃÂàMedical Research Future Fund Respiratory Medicine Clinical Trials Research on COVID-19 Grant | 2020 |
Use of advanced magnetic resonance imaging to diagnose brachial plexus injuries and inform surgical intervention âÃÂàGervais T, McEniery P, Schuetz M, Kurniawan N, McMahon K, OâÃÂÃÂSullivan M, Jin J, Manzanero S - HIRF Project Support Scheme 2020 | 2020 |
A phase III multicentre blinded randomised controlled clinical trial of cryopreserved platelets vs. conventional liquid-stored platelets for the management of post-surgical bleeding (The Cryopreserved vs. Liquid Platelets trial: CLIP-II) âÃÂàReade M, Marks D, Weinberg L, Irving D, McQuilten Z, French C, Royse A, Bannon P, Johnson L, Gattas D âÃÂàNHMRC | 2019 |
Addressing Australia's National Transfusion Research Priorities âÃÂàWood E, McQuilten Z, Cooper J, Reade MC, French CJ, Trotman J, Bielby L, Stanworth S, Higgins A, Harris A, Coiera E, Mo A, Flint A, Sanderson B, Reynolds J, Sparrow R, Nailon S, Martin A âÃÂàNHMRC (Synergy Grant) | 2019 |
Can imaging and DNA markers predict outcome for non-penetrating traumatic brain injury? âÃÂàThomas P, Nasrallah F, Winter C, Ross J, Rose S, Pollard C, Bellapart J, McMahon K, Douglas D, Mitchell G, Hennessy M âÃÂà2020 RBWH & RBWH Foundation Project Grants | 2019 |
Development of an Artificial Intelligence screening system to identify patients requiring a CT scan following distal radius fractures âÃÂàWadhawan A, Tetsworth K, Schmutz B, Fripp J, Dowling J, Schuetz M âÃÂà2020 RBWH & RBWH Foundation Project Grants | 2019 |
Early Sedation with Dexmedetomidine in Older Ventilated Critically Ill Patients: SPICE IV Trial âÃÂàShehabi Y, Reade MC, Campbell L, Howe B, Webb S, Bellomo R, McArthur C, Presneill J, Hodgson C, Bailey M, Murray L âÃÂàNHMRC (Clinical Trials Grant) | 2019 |
ErythroPOietin alfa to prevent mortality and reduce severe disability in critically ill TRAUMA patients: a multicentre, stratified, double blind, placebo randomised controlled trial. (The EPO-TRAUMA trial) âÃÂàFrench C, Nichol A, Bellomo R, Cooper DJ, Bailey M, Higgins A, McArthur C, Hodgson C, Gabbe B, Duranteau J, Presneill J, Rosenfeld J, Napolitano L, Skrifvars M, Reade MC, Pettila V âÃÂàMRFF | 2019 |
Establishing UQ Centre for Clinical Research as the centre for Aerosol therapy in critical care by optimising particle size of aerosols for effective drug delivery âÃÂàDhanani J, Eley V, Williams J, Roberts J, Wallis S, Lassig-Smith M, Reade MC âÃÂàUQ Major Equipment Grant | 2019 |
Feasibility, acceptability, costs and preliminary effects of an innovative ablative fractional CO2 laser service for people with burns scars âÃÂàBrown J, Tyack S, McPhail S, Donovan M âÃÂà2019 RBWH & RBWH Foundation Project Grants | 2019 |
Improving worldwide Trauma Care Systems through guidelines and advocacy âÃÂàMiclau T, Shearer D, Pesantez R, Huttl T, Kojima K, Schuetz M âÃÂàAO Foundation | 2019 |
Innovation in delirium management: Comparative plasma pharmacokinetics of nebulised and intravenous clonidine in mechanically ventilated patients âÃÂàDhanani J, Reade MC âÃÂà2020 RBWH & RBWH Foundation Project Grants | 2019 |
Patterns of prescription opioid use following ED presentation for minor road traffic crash injury: long-term community follow-up using data linkage âÃÂàPerez S, Nikles J, Johnston A, van Driel M, Cameron C, Ritchie C, Elphinston R âÃÂàEmergency Medicine Foundation Round 32 | 2019 |
Pharmacokinetics of inhaled fentanyl and morphine âÃÂàDhanani J, Reade MC, Williams J, Roberts J, Chan HK, Wallis S, Lassig-Smith M âÃÂàMetroNorth âÃÂàUQ Collaborative Research Grant | 2019 |
Pre-hospital anti-fibrinolytics for traumatic coagulopathy and haemorrhage-2 (The PATCH2 Study) âÃÂàBernard S, Mitra B, Gruen R, Gantner D, Reade MC, Burns B, Balogh Z âÃÂàNHMRC | 2019 |
Analysis of Queensland fatalities and serious injury crash characteristics and management by region âÃÂàWatson A, Vallmuur K, Siskind V, Sheehan M, Senserrick T âÃÂàMotor Accident Insurance Commission | 2018 |
Impact of chronic health conditions and injury on school performance and health outcomes of children: pilot study âÃÂàMitchell R, Cameron CM, Lystad R, Nielssen O, McMaugh A, Herkes G, Schniering C, Hng T âÃÂàPhilanthropic Funding | 2018 |
Macquarie MINDS: Monitoring of Injury and psychosocial health outcomes, career trajectories and continuing education, LiveD experiences and Social connectedness âÃÂàLystad R, Dear B, Johnstone M, Mitchell R, Braithwaite J, Wuthrich V, Amin J, Cameron CM âÃÂàMacquarie University Seeding Grant | 2018 |
Management of Splenic Injuries in Queensland: Retrospective trend analysis over five years and one-year prospective evaluation of clinical practice guideline implementation âÃÂàPatel B, Rudd M, Pollard C âÃÂà2019 MAIC-RACS Trauma Scholarship | 2018 |
Opioid use in Queensland trauma patients: population-based data linkage study âÃÂàCameron CM, Loveday B, Vallmuur K, Graves N, Proper M, Warren J, Bradford, Carter H, Pollard C âÃÂàRBWH Foundation2019 Project Grant | 2018 |
Understanding the patterns, circumstances and outcomes of power tool injuries presenting to the emergency department to inform a national safety campaign âÃÂàVallmuur K, Eley R, Roudenko A âÃÂàIHBI Injury Prevention Program Seeding Grant | 2018 |
Identifying prehospital retrieval pathways and processes for road trauma patients in Queensland âÃÂàWynn M, Vallmuur K, ter Hofstede A, Rashford S, Bosley E, Elcock M âÃÂàMotor Accident Insurance Commission | 2017 |
Jamieson Trauma Institute
Level 13, Block 7
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
Newsletter – February
Happy new year! We hope that you had a good break, spending time with your loved ones and recharging your batteries for the new year. These recent weeks have been a busy period for JTI, full of kick-off meetings for exciting new projects. These projects will focus on addressing trauma and its effects, with a clear plan for implementation, and they represent our mission for quality improvement and a genuine zest for collaboration.