
Congratulations Professor Michael Schuetz

JTI would like to offer congratulations to Professor Michael Schuetz who was recently appointed as Chair of the Australian Orthopaedic Association (AOA) Research Committee, for a term of four years.

AOA is a not-for-profit organisation which provides high-quality specialist education, training and continuing professional development for Australian orthopaedic surgeons and is committed to ensuring the highest possible standard of orthopaedic care. The AOA is the leading authority in the provision of orthopaedic information to the community and actively supports scientific research and orthopaedic humanitarian initiatives in Australia and overseas.

JTI looks forward to sharing your expertise in Orthopaedic Research with the AOA. Find out more about the AOA here: AOA – Australian Orthopaedic Association

2021-05-24T11:33:37+10:0024 May 2021|
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