Project Description
A/Prof Anthony Holley

Anthony is a senior staff intensivist at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. He is an Associate Professor with the University of Queensland Medical School. Anthony served on the ANZICS Board for 12 years and as the Society President 2019-2022. He is a senior examiner for the Fellowship of the College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand. Anthony has authored twelve book chapters and 58 peer reviewed publications. He is a senior instructor for BASIC and an EMST course director. He is also a director of the Current Concepts in Critical Care course and the Trauma Traps course. Anthony serves as a representative for the National Blood Authority Critical Care Group in developing the Australian Patient Blood Management Guidelines. Anthony served as a member of the National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce Steering Committee. Anthony is a Commodore in the Royal Australian Navy, currently serving as the Principal Consultant Trauma to the Surgeon General ADF. He has deployed on active service on multiple occasions including several tours to Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf, border protection and four tours to Iraq. Anthony served in the 2020 Bushfires aboard HMAS Adelaide and served as the Senior Medical Officer for the Operation COVID-19 Assist Joint Task Group 629.3.