Journal Articles2023-02-09T15:03:23+10:00

Journal Articles

2025Ford D, Waller M, Das A, Cameron CM, Warren J, Druery M. Baseline predictors of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in hospitalised adult burn survivors: A longitudinal, prospective cohort study. Injury. 2025;56(3):112151.
2025Seo GY, Das A, Manzanero S, Kim K, Lisec C, Muller M. The influence of pre-injury anticoagulant or antiplatelet agents on outcomes in trauma patients sustaining abdominal solid organ injuries: A scoping review. Injury. 2025 Jan 17;56(3):112175.
2025Westacott G, McCreanor V, Cramb S, Manzanero S, Vuong K, Allen M, Dias S, Binge G, Das A. Understanding co-production of injury research in Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities: a comprehensive scoping review. Inj Epidemiol. 2025;12(1):1.
2024Abdul-Aziz MH, Dulhunty JM, Rajbhandari D, Roberts JA, Lipman J. Is it time to implement prolonged infusions of beta-lactam antibiotics in and beyond critical care settings? Intern Med J. 2024;54(12):1931-1934.
2024Byrnes J, Vale MJ, Afoakwah C, Grant P, and Barnard S. Coaching people with cardiovascular disease to close their treatment gaps reduces hospital utilization, saves lives, and delivers net cost savings over 10 years. AJM Open. 2024:100075.
2024Cameron CM, Shibl R, Cramb S, McCreanor V, Proper M, Warren J, Smyth T, Carter HE, Vallmuur K, et al. Community Opioid Dispensing after Injury (CODI): Cohort characteristics and opioid dispensing patterns. Injury. 2024;55(3): p. 111216.
2024Druery M, Das A, Warren J, Newcombe PA, Lipman J, and Cameron CM. The 'AfterBurn' Longitudinal Exploratory (ABLE) study: Cohort profile. Injury. 2024;55(12):111908.
2024Dorofaeff T, Valero YG, Coulthard MG, Wallis SC, Chatfield MD, Lister P, Lipman J, et al. Can capillary microsampling facilitate a clinical pharmacokinetics study of cefazolin in critically ill children? Bioanalysis. 2024;16(16):873-881.
2024Duff M, Manzanero S, Barker R, Barlas P, Westacott G, Lisec C. Lithium-ion battery related burns and emerging trends: a retrospective case series and data analysis of emergency presentations. ANZ J Surg. 2024;94(11):1983-1989.
2024Dulhunty JM, Roberts JA, Lipman J, BLING III Study Investigators. Continuous vs Intermittent ?-Lactam Antibiotic Infusions for Sepsis-Reply. JAMA. 2024;333(2):174-175.
2024Herath B, Laubach M, Suresh S, Schmutz B, Little JP, Yarlagadda PKDV, Delbrück H, et al. Modular design workflow for 3D printable bioresorbable patient-specific bone scaffolds: extended features and clinical validation. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2024;12:1404481.
2024Holscher C, Manzanero S, Hume A, Foster AL, Tetsworth K, and Chapman PR. Non-tuberculous mycobacterial bone and joint infections - a case series from a tertiary referral centre in Australia. ANZ J Surg. 2024;94(11):1942-1948.
2024Kong D, Roberts JA, Lipman J, Taccone FS, Cohen-Wolkowiez M, et al, PIP/TAZ Consortium. A Pooled Pharmacokinetic Analysis for Piperacillin/Tazobactam Across Different Patient Populations: From Premature Infants to the Elderly. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2024. PMID: 39722108.
2024Koomson I, Afoakwah C, and Twumasi MA. Racial diversity, child stunting and underweight: Policies design and promotion in South Africa. J Policy Model. 2024;46(6):1243-1262.
2024Kumta N, Heffernan AJ, Cotta MO, Liu X, Parker S, Wallis S, Livermore A, Starr T, Wong WT, Joynt GM, Lipman J, Roberts JA. Population pharmacokinetics of piperacillin-tazobactam in the plasma and cerebrospinal fluid of critically ill patients. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2024:e0060124.
2024Kunisch F, Campobasso C, Wagemans J, Yildirim S, Chan BK, Schaudinn C, et al. (inc. Trampuz A). Targeting Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm with an evolutionary trained bacteriophage cocktail exploiting phage resistance trade-offs. Nat Commun. 2024;15(1):8572.
2024Loiodice A, Bailly S, Ruckly S, Buetti N, Barbier F, Staiquly Q, Tabah A, Timsit JF, et al. (inc. Lipman J). Effect of adequacy of empirical antibiotic therapy for hospital-acquired bloodstream infections on intensive care unit patient prognosis: a causal inference approach using data from the Eurobact2 study. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2024;30(12):1559-1568.
2024Lyons RA, Gabbe BJ, and Vallmuur K. Potential for advances in data linkage and data science to support injury prevention research. Inj Prev. 2024;30:442-445. 10.1136/ip-2024-045367
2024Margalit I, Yahav D, Hoffman T, Tabah A, Ruckly S, Barbier F, Singer P, Timsit JF, Prendki V, Buetti N, et al. (inc. Lipman J). Presentation, management, and outcomes of older compared to younger adults with hospital-acquired bloodstream infections in the intensive care unit: a multicenter cohort study. Infection. 2024;52(6):2435-2443.
2024Powell B and Cramb S. Trauma predictive scores show limited utility for predicting in-flight deterioration in aeromedical patients. Air Medical Journal. 2024;43(6):528-534.
2024Peters N, Williamson F, and Eley V. Ultrasound transducer disinfection for percutaneous procedures: A review of the evidence supporting guideline recommendations. Australas J Ultrasound Med. 2024;27(4):242-250.
2024Santomauro C, McLanders M, Rae A. Experiences of rural clinicians accessing specialist support via telehealth for trauma and emergency care in Queensland, Australia. Digit Health. 2024;10.
2024Tran C, Nunez C, Eslick GD, Barker R, and Elliott EJ. Button battery exposure in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Inj Prev. 2024;ip-2024-045339.
2024Tran C, Nunez C, Eslick GD, Barker R, and Elliott EJ. Complications of button battery ingestion or insertion in children: a systematic review and pooled analysis of individual patient-level data. World J Pediatr. 2024;20(10):1017-1028.
2024Watson N, Droder B, Mitchell G, and Hacking C. Head, face and neck injury patterns for electric scooter accidents identified on computed tomography scanning: Does legislative change enforcing safer riding practices have an impact on morbidity for significant head, face and neck trauma? J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2024;68(7):796-804.
2024Williamson F and Cole E. Trauma team activation for older patients with pelvic fractures: Are current criteria adequate? Emerg Med Australas. 2024;36(6):907-914.
2024Xu H, Corley A, Young ER, Doubrovsky A, Ware RS, Afoakwah C, Wang C, et al. Long guidewire peripheral intravenous catheters in emergency departments for management of difficult intravenous access: A multicenter, pragmatic, randomized controlled trial. Acad Emerg Med. 2024;31(12):1223-1232.
2024Abdul-Aziz MH, Hammond NE, Brett SJ, Cotta MO, De Waele JJ, Devaux A, Di Tanna GL, Dulhunty JM, et al. (inc. Lipman J). Prolonged vs Intermittent Infusions of beta-Lactam Antibiotics in Adults With Sepsis or Septic Shock: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JAMA, 2024.
2024Borg DN, Impellizzeri FM, Borg SJ, Hutchins KP, Stewart IB, Jones T, Baguley BJ, et al. Meta-analysis prediction intervals are under reported in sport and exercise medicine. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 2024. 34(3): e14603.
2024Borg SJ, Cameron CM, Luetsch K, Rolley A, Geraghty T, McPhail S, McCreanor V. Prevalence of opioid use in adults with spinal cord injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Spinal Cord Med, 2024: 1-19.
2024Bredy TM, Glasgow C, Liddle J, Colwell S, Holding J, Swan S, and Patterson F, Considering occupational performance during recovery of distal radius fracture: A scoping review. Aust Occup Ther J, 2024: 1-35.
2024Chai GG, Tu Q, Cotta MO, Bauer MJ, Balch R, Okafor C, Comans T, et al. (inc. Lipman J). Achievement of therapeutic antibiotic exposures using Bayesian dosing software in critically unwell children and adults with sepsis. Intensive Care Med, 2024. 50:539–547.
2024Choong E, Jurat D, Sandeep B, Rainnie B, Manzanero S, Dowsey M, McPhail S, et al. The impact of infection on length of stay in adult burns: A scoping review. Burns, 2024. 50(4):797-807.
2024Dejonckheere M, Antonelli M, Arvaniti K, Blot K, CreaghBrown B, de Lange DW, De Waele J, et al. (inc. Lipman J). Epidemiology and risk factors for mortality in critically ill patients with pancreatic infection. J Intensive Med, 2024. 4(1):81-93.
2024Dhanani JA, Shekar K, Parmar D, Lipman J, Bristow D, Wallis SC, Won H, et al. COVID-19 Drug Treatments Are Prone to Sequestration in Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Circuits: An Ex Vivo Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Study. ASAIO J, 2024. 70(6):546-552.
2024Druery M, Das A, Warren J, Newcombe PA, Lipman J, and Cameron CM, Early predictors of health-related quality of life outcomes at 12 months post-burn: ABLE study. Injury, 2024: 111545.
2024Dulhunty JM, Brett SJ, De Waele JJ, Rajbhandari D, Billot L, Cotta MO, Davis JS, et al. (inc. Lipman J). Continuous vs Intermittent beta-Lactam Antibiotic Infusions in Critically Ill Patients With Sepsis: The BLING III Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA, 2024.
2024Flaws D, Fraser JF, Laupland K, Lavana J, Patterson S, Tabah A, Tronstad O, and Ramanan M. Time in ICU and post-intensive care syndrome: how long is long enough? Crit Care, 2024. 28(1):34.
2024Gomersall ELM, Ling L, Reinhart K, Bion V, Ekesh A, Adu-Takyi C, Azevedo LCP, et al. (inc. Lipman J). Core sepsis-related competencies for medical students: an international consensus by Delphi technique. BMC Med Educ, 2024. 24(1): 653.
2024Griffin BR, Trenoweth K, Dimanopoulos TA, De Young AC, Cobham VE, Williams H, and Kimble R. Co-design of a paediatric post-trauma electronic psychosocial screen. J Pediatr Nurs, 2024. 76:52-60
2024Gurung R, Terrill A, White G, Windolf M, Hofmann-Fliri L, Dlaska C, Schuetz M, et al. Severity of Complications after Locking Plate Osteosynthesis in Distal Femur Fractures. J Clin Med, 2024. 13(5):1492.
2024Harris PNA, Bauer MJ, Lüftinger L, Beisken S, Forde BM, Balch R, Cotta M, et al. (inc. Lipman J). Rapid nanopore sequencing and predictive susceptibility testing of positive blood cultures from intensive care patients with sepsis. Microbiol Spectr, 2024. 12(2):e0306523.
2024Helset E, Cheng V, Sporsem H, Thorstensen C, Nordøy I, Gammelsrud KW, Hanssen G, et al. (inc. Lipman J). Meropenem pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic target attainment and clinical response in ICU patients: A prospective observational study. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand, 2024. 68(4):502-511.
2024Koomson I, Lenzen S, Afoakwah C. Informal care and financial stress: Longitudinal evidence from Australia. Stress Health. 2024 Mar 7:e3393
2024Laubach M, Herath B, Suresh S, Saifzadeh S, Dargaville BL, Cometta S, Schemenz V, et al. An innovative intramedullary bone graft harvesting concept as a fundamental component of scaffold-guided bone regeneration: A preclinical in vivo validation. J Orthop. Translat. 2024. 47:1-14.
2024MacKechnie MC, Shearer DW, Verhofstad MHJ, Martin C, Graham SM, Pesantez R, Schuetz M, et al. Establishing Consensus on Essential Resources for Musculoskeletal Trauma Care Worldwide: A Modified Delphi Study. JBJS, 2024. 106(1):47-55.
2024Noye N, Steadman W, Whittaker B, Cacioli P, and Wall C. Does exposure to polymethyl methacrylate bone cement increase the risk of surgical glove failure? ANZ J Surg, 2024. 94(4):724-732.
2024O'Leary S, Heine J, Warren J, Smyth T, Ballard E, Mitchell G, See W, Barlas P, et al. Reinforcing informed medication prescription for low back pain in the emergency department (RIME): a controlled interrupted time series implementation study protocol. BMJ Open.14(3):e082668.
2024Powell B, Cramb S. The shock index predicts in-flight blood transfusion in aeromedical trauma patients. Emerg Med Australas, 2024.
2024Taraporewalla K, Barach P, Lipman J, and Van Zundert A. The Efficiency of the Constraint-Led Approach in Teaching External Chest Compressions to Medical Students. Universal Library Med Health Sci, 2024. 2(1).
2024Taraporewalla K, Barach P, Lipman J, and Van Zundert A. The Effectiveness of the Constraint-Led Approach in Developing Medical Procedural Skills. Universal Library Med Health Sci, 2024. 2(2):11-18.
2024de Haan A, Meiser-Stedman R, Landolt MA, Kuhn I, Black MJ, Klaus K, Patel SD, et al. (inc. Kenardy J). Efficacy and moderators of efficacy of cognitive behavioural therapies with a trauma focus in children and adolescents: an individual participant data meta-analysis of randomised trials. Lancet Child Adolesc Health. 2024;8(1):28-39.
2024Foster AL, Warren J, Vallmuur K, Jaiprakash A, Crawford R, Tetsworth K, Schuetz MA. A population-based epidemiological and health economic analysis of fracture-related infection. Bone Joint J. 2024;106-B(1):77-85.
2023Franco H, Williamson F, Manzanero S, Schuetz M. Clavicle fixation to reduce short-term analgesia and improve respiratory function in patients with chest wall injuries. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2023 Nov;143(11):6561-6567.
2023Alli A, Paruk F, Roger C, Lipman J, Calleemalay D, Wallis SC, Scribante J, Richards GA, Roberts JA. Peri-operative pharmacokinetics of cefazolin prophylaxis during valve replacement surgery. PLoS One. 2023;18(9):e0291425.
2023Billot L, Lipman J, Brett SJ, De Waele JJ, Cotta MO, Davis JS, Finfer S, Hammond NE, Knowles S, McGuinness S, Myburgh J, Paterson DL, Peake S, Rajbhandari D, Rhodes A, Roberts JA, Roger C, Shirwadkar C, Starr T, Taylor C, Dulhunty JM; BLING III Investigators. Statistical analysis plan for the BLING III study: a phase 3 multicentre randomised controlled trial of continuous versus intermittent ?-lactam antibiotic infusion in critically ill patients with sepsis. Crit Care Resusc. 2023;23(3):273-284.
2023Bredy TM, Patterson F, Glasgow C. Current clinical practice patterns and perspectives of Australian hand therapists during the treatment of adults with distal radius fracture: A national survey. Aust Occup Ther J.
2023Cameron CM, Vuong K, McWhinney B, Zournazi A, Manzanero S, Warren J, et al. Factors associated with higher alcohol concentrations in emergency department presentations: PACE study. Drug Alcohol Rev. 2023;42(7): 1796–1806.
2023Cameron CM, Shibl R, Cramb S, McCreanor V, Proper M, Warren J, Smyth T, Carter HE, Vallmuur K, Graves N, Bradford N, Loveday B. Community Opioid Dispensing after Injury (CODI): Cohort characteristics and opioid dispensing patterns. Injury. 2023:111216.
2023Chai MG, Roberts JA, Kelly CF, Ungerer JPJ, McWhinney BC, Lipman J, Farkas A, Cotta MO. Efficiency of dosing software using Bayesian forecasting in achieving target antibiotic exposures in critically ill patients, a prospective cohort study. Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2023;42(6):101296.
2023Glatt V, Bartnikowski N, Bartnikowski M, Aguilar L, Schuetz M, Tetsworth K. Intramedullary implant stability affects patterns of fracture healing in mice with morphologically different bone phenotypes. Bone. 2023:116978.
2023Ho KM, Lee A, Wu W, Chan MTV, Ling L, Lipman J, Roberts J, Litton E, Joynt GM, Wong M. Flattening the biological age curve by improving metabolic health: to taurine or not to taurine, that' s the question. J Geriatr Cardiol. 2023;20(11):813-823.
2023Lala RCB, Homes RAP, Lipman J, Midwinter MJ. Interobserver reliability for manual analysis of sidestream darkfield videomicroscopy clips after resizing in ImageJ. Intensive Care Med Exp. 2023;11(1):88.
2023Long DA, Gilholm P, Le Brocque R, Kenardy J, Gibbons K, Dow BL. Post-traumatic stress and health-related quality of life after admission to paediatric intensive care: Longitudinal associations in mother–child dyads. Aust Crit Care. 2023; S1036-7314(23)00184-4.
2023Meloncelli NJ, Barnett AG, Cameron CM, McIntyre D, Callaway LK, d'Emden MC, de Jersey SJ. Gestational diabetes mellitus screening and diagnosis criteria before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective pre–post study. Med J Aust. 2023;219(10):467-474.
2023Menon R, Vasani SS, Widdicombe NJ, Lipman J. Laryngeal injury following endotracheal intubation: Have you considered reflux? Anaesth Intensive Care. 2023;51(1):14-9.
2023Nethathe GD, Lipman J, Anderson R, Fuller PJ, Feldman C. Glucocorticoids with or without fludrocortisone in septic shock: a narrative review from a biochemical and molecular perspective. Br J Anaesth. 2024;132(1):53-65.
2023Niven C, Vuong KA, Nottage L, Harrison JE, Möller H, Catchpoole J, Ivers R, Vallmuur K. Navigating child product safety: Perspectives from experts on international challenges and priorities in regulation and research. Aust N Z J Public Health. 2023;47(6):100103.
2023Pollard C, Stride P, Pearn J. Doctors, druggists and diseases: A history of Chinese medicine and healthcare in Queensland. Queensland History J. 2023.25(6):464–474.
2023Raman V, Maclachlan L, Redmond M. 'Burr holes in the bush': Clinician preparedness for undertaking emergency intracranial haematoma evacuation surgery in rural and regional Queensland. Emerg Med Australas. 2023;35(3):406-411.
2023Roger C, Ling L, Petrier M, Elotmani L, Atchade E, Allaouchiche B, Aubrun F, et al. (inc. Lipman J). Occurrences of post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, and burnout syndrome in ICU staff workers after two-year of the COVID-19 pandemic: the international PSY-CO in ICU study. Ann Gen Psychiatry. 2024;23(1):3.
2023Roberts JA, Sime F, Lipman J, Hernández-Mitre MP, Baptista JP, Brüggemann RJ, Darvall J, et al. A protocol for an international, multicentre pharmacokinetic study for Screening Antifungal Exposure in Intensive Care Units: The SAFE-ICU study. Crit Care Resusc. 2023;25(1):1-5.
2023Schmutz B, Rühli F, Schuetz F, Eppenberger P. An evolutionary perspective to intramedullary nail fit - comparing present-day data with a historical specimen collection. Anthropol Anz. 2023.
2023Schultz BV, Rolley A, Doan TN, Bodnar D, Isoardi K. Epidemiology and survival outcomes of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest following volatile substance use in Queensland, Australia. Clin Toxicol. 2023;61(9):649-55.
2023Takagi A, Bagnato C, Melendez-Calderon A, Jarrassé N, Ganesh G, Burdet E. Competition Increases the Effort Put Into a Physical Interaction Task. IEEE Trans Haptics. 2023.16(4):719-25.
2023To XV, Donnelly P, Maclachlan L, Mahady K, Apellaniz EM, Cumming P, Winter C, Nasrallah F. Anti-inflammatory interleukin 1 receptor antagonist concentration in plasma correlates with blood-brain barrier integrity in the primary lesion area in traumatic brain injury patients. Brain Behav Immun Health. 2023;31:100653.
2023Adiraju SK, Sumi CD, Pandey S, Cotta MO, Roberts JA, Lipman J, et al. Quantification of levetiracetam in plasma and urine and its application to a pharmacokinetic study of traumatic brain injury patients. Bioanalysis. 2023;15(1):31-42.
2023Beraldi-Magalhaes F, Parker SL, Sanches C, Garcia LS, Souza Carvalho BK, et al. (inc. Lipman J). Is the Pharmacokinetics of First-Line Anti-TB Drugs a Cause of High Mortality Rates in TB Patients Admitted to the ICU? A Non-Compartmental Pharmacokinetic Analysis. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2023;8(6).
2023Boulet N, Boussere A, Mezzarobba M, Sofonea MT, Payen D, Lipman J, et al. Intensive Care Unit activity in France from the national database between 2013 and 2019: More critically ill patients, shorter stay and lower mortality rate. Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med. 2023;42(5):101228.
2023Brimm D, Roe J, Warren J, Smyth T, Vallmuur K, Banu S. The epidemiology of sports and leisure-related injury hospitalisations in Queensland: A five-year review. Injury. 2023.;54(6):1532-1540.
2023Butterfield M, Bodnar D, Williamson F, Parker L, Ryan G. Prevalence of secondary insults and outcomes of patients with traumatic brain injury intubated in the prehospital setting: a retrospective cohort study. Emerg Med J. 2023;40(3):167-74.
2023Catchpoole J, Niven C, Moller H, Harrison JE, Ivers R, et al. (inc. Vallmuur K). External causes of emergency department presentations: A missing piece to understanding unintentional childhood injury in Australia. Emergency Medicine Australasia. 2023.
2023Catroppa C, Sood NT, Morrison E, Kenardy J, Lah S, McKinlay A, et al. The Australian and New Zealand brain injury lifespan cohort protocol: Leveraging common data elements to characterise longitudinal outcome and recovery. BMJ Open. 2023;13(1):e067712.
2023Cotta MO, Lipman J, De Waele J. Advancing precision-based antimicrobial dosing in critically ill patients. Intensive Care Med. 2023;49(3):324-6.
2023Denny KJ, Lea RA, Lindell-Innes R, Haupt LM, Heffernan AJ, et al. (inc. Lipman J). Diagnosing sepsis in the ICU: Comparison of a gene expression signature to pre-existing biomarkers. J Crit Care. 2023;76:154286.
2023Dow BL, Kenardy JA, Le Brocque RM, Long DA. Cognitive Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress in Children 6 Months after Paediatric Intensive Care Unit Admission. Trauma Care. 2023;3(2):82-92.
2023Gilbert F, Mitchell G, Townsend S, Dhanani J, Sng N. Role of the emergency department in implementing an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Emerg Med Australas. 2023;35(1):173-5.
2023Herath B, Laubach M, Suresh S, Schmutz B, Little JP, Yarlagadda PKDV, Hutmacher DW, Wille M-L. The development of a modular design workflow for 3D printable bioresorbable patient-specific bone scaffolds to facilitate clinical translation. Virtual Phys Prototyp. 2023;18:1
2023Heine J, Window P, Hacker S, Young J, Mitchell G, Roffey S, et al. Adherence to recommended guidelines for low back pain presentations to an Australian emergency department: Barriers and enablers. Australas Emerg Care. 2023. S2588-994X(23)00028-3.
2023Hiskens MI, Mengistu TS, Hovinga B, Thornton N, Smith KB, Mitchell G. Epidemiology and management of traumatic brain injury in a regional Queensland Emergency Department. Australas Emerg Care. 2023. S2588-994X(23)00028-3.
2023Jaganathan KS, Sullivan KA, Kinmond S, Berndt S, Street S, et al. (inc. Mitchell G). Exercise Parameters for Postconcussion Symptom Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review. J Sport Rehabil. 2023;32(5):483-92.
2023Jeffrey M, Denny KJ, Lipman J, Conway Morris A. Differentiating infection, colonisation, and sterile inflammation in critical illness: the emerging role of host-response profiling. Intensive Care Med. 2023;49(7):760-71
2023Joarder M, Moussaoui HNE, Das A, Williamson F, Wullschleger M. Impact of Time and Distance on Outcomes Following Tourniquet Use in Civilian and Military Settings: a Scoping Review. Injury. 2023;54(5):1236-45.
2023Joynt GM, Ling L, Wong WT, Lipman J. Therapeutic drug monitoring of carbapenem antibiotics in critically ill patients: an overview of principles, recommended dosing regimens, and clinical outcomes. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol. 2023:1-12.
2023Lawton CF, Williamson F. Response to Re: Outcomes in traumatic cardiac arrest patients who underwent advanced life support. Emerg Med Australas. 2023;35(4):706-707.
2023Lloyd DG, Saxby DJ, Pizzolato C, Worsey M, Diamond LE, Palipana D, et al. Maintaining soldier musculoskeletal health using personalised digital humans, wearables and/or computer vision. J Sci Med Sport. 2023;26 Suppl 1:S30-s9.
2023Lystad RP MA, Herkes G, Browne G, Badgery-Parker T, Cameron CM, Mitchell RJ. Risk of impaired school performance in children hospitalized with concussion: a population-based matched cohort study. Concussion. 2023;CNC105.
2023Milham N, Schmutz B, Cooper T, Hsu E, Hutmacher DW, Lynham A. Are Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Generated 3Dimensional Models Comparable to Computed Tomography-Generated 3Dimensional Models for Orbital Fracture Reconstruction? An In-Vitro Volumetric Analysis. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2023;S0278-2391(23)00477-9.
2023Min H, Rabi Y, Wadhawan A, Bourgeat P, Dowling J, White J, Tchernegovski A, Formanek B, Schuetz M, Mitchell G, Williamson F, Hacking C, Tetsworth K, Schmutz B. Automatic classification of distal radius fracture using a two-stage ensemble deep learning framework. Phys Eng Sci Med. 2023; 46(2):877-86.
2023Nasrallah F, Bellapart J, Walsham J, Jacobson E, To XV, Manzanero S, et al. (inc. Pollard C, Reade M). PREdiction and Diagnosis using Imaging and Clinical biomarkers Trial in Traumatic Brain Injury (PREDICT-TBI) study protocol: an observational, prospective, multicentre cohort study for the prediction of outcome in moderate-to-severe TBI. BMJ Open. 2023;13(4):e067740.
2023Parsons R, Blythe RD, Barnett A, Cramb SM, McPhail S. predictNMB: An R package to estimate if or when a clinical prediction model is worthwhile. J Open Source Softw. 2023;8(84):5328.
2023Parsons R, Blythe R, Cramb SM, McPhail SM. Integrating economic considerations into cutpoint selection may help align clinical decision support toward value-based healthcare. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2023;30(6):1103-13.
2023Rebbeck T, Bandong AN, Leaver A, Ritchie C, Armfield N, Arora M, et al. (inc. Kenardy J). Implementation of a risk-stratified, guideline-based clinical pathway of care to improve health outcomes following whiplash injury (Whiplash ImPaCT): a multicentre, randomized, controlled trial. Pain. 2023;62(2):111.
2023Shah RV, Kipper K, Baker EH, Barker CIS, Oldfield I, et al. (inc. Lipman J). Population Pharmacokinetic Study of Benzylpenicillin in Critically Unwell Adults. Antibiotics (Basel). 2023;12(4):643.
2023Sparks DS, Savi FM, Dlaska CE, Saifzadeh S, Brierly G, Ren E, et al. (inc. Schuetz M). Convergence of scaffold-guided bone regeneration principles and microvascular tissue transfer surgery. Sci Adv. 2023;9(18):eadd6071.
2023Steadman W, Chapman PR, Schuetz M, Schmutz B, Trampuz A, Tetsworth K. Local Antibiotic Delivery Options in Prosthetic Joint Infection. Antibiotics. 2023;12(4):752.
2023Tabah A, Buetti N, Staiquly Q, Ruckly S, Akova M, Aslan AT, et al (inc. Lipman J). Epidemiology and outcomes of hospital-acquired bloodstream infections in intensive care unit patients: the EUROBACT-2 international cohort study. Intensive Care Med. 2023;49(2):178-90.
2023Tsai D, Secombe P, Chiong F, Ullah S, Lipman J, Hewagama S. Prediction accuracy of commonly used pneumonia severity scores in Aboriginal patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia: a retrospective study. Intern Med J. 2023;53(1):51-60.
2023Vallmuur K, Mitchell G, McCreanor V, Droder B, Catchpoole J, Eley R, Smyth T. Electric personal MObility DEvices Surveillance (E-MODES) Study: Injury presentations to emergency departments in Brisbane, Queensland. Injury. 2023;S0020-1383(23)00378-9.
2023Vuong KA, Lewis I, Vallmuur K, Watson A. Identifying foci for safety messages targeting child injury from driving quad bikes: A critical beliefs analysis of parental beliefs in Australia. J Saf Res. 2023;85:429-435.
2023Williamson F, Lawton CF, Wullschleger M. Outcomes in traumatic cardiac arrest patients who underwent advanced life support. Emerg Med Australas. 2023;35(2):205-12.
2023Yuan H, Schmutz B, Varga P, Gueorguiev B, Zderic I, Windolf M, et al. Extraction force, energy and nail deformation for 1.5 m versus 1.0 m intramedullary femoral nail bow design: A biomechanical investigation. Clin Biomech. 2023;103:105906.
2023Xu Y, Huang TB, Schuetz MA, Choong PFM. Mortality, patient-reported outcome measures, and the health economic burden of prosthetic joint infection. EFORT Open Rev. 2023;8(9):690-7.
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2023Vallmuur K, McCreanor V, Watson A, Cameron C, Cramb S, Dias S, Banu S, Warren J. Understanding compensable and non-compensable patient profiles, pathways and physical outcomes for transport and work-related injuries in Queensland, Australia through data linkage. BMJ Open 2023;13:e065608.
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2022Cameron CM, McCreanor V, Shibl R, Smyth T, Proper M, Warren J, Vallmuur K, Bradford N, Carter H, Graves N, Loveday B. Community Opioid Dispensing After Injury (CODI): Protocol for a Population-Based Data Linkage Study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2022;11(4):e36357.
2022Cameron CM, Eley R, Judge C, O'Neill R, Handy M. Did attending P.A.R.T.Y. change youth perceptions? Results from 148 Queensland schools participating in the Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth Program, 2018-2019. Inj Prev. 2022;28(3):218-24.
2022Cameron CM, Lystad RP, McMaugh A, Mitchell RJ. Hospital service use following an injury hospitalisation for young males and females in a population-level matched retrospective cohort study. Injury. 2022;53(8):2783-89.
2022Cameron CM, Vuong K, McWhinney B, Zournazi A, Manzanero S, Warren J, Mitchell G, McCreanor V, Vallmuur K, et al. Prevalence of alcohol consumption in emergency presentations: Novel approach using two biomarkers, ethanol and phosphatidylethanol. Drug Alcohol Rev. 2022;42(1):146-56.
2022Catchpoole J, Nanda G, Vallmuur K, Nand G, Lehto M. Application of a Machine Learning-Based Decision Support Tool to Improve an Injury Surveillance System Workflow. Appl Clin Inform. 2022;13(3):700-10.
2022Hennessy M, Sullivan KA. Quality of life, community integration, service needs and clinical outcomes of people with traumatic brain injury in urban, regional and remote areas of Queensland, Australia. Aust J Rural Health. 2022;30(2):164-74.
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2022Boot W, Foster AL, Guillaume O, Eglin D, Schmid T, D’Este M, Zeiter S, Richards RG, Moriarty TF. An Antibiotic-Loaded Hydrogel Demonstrates Efficacy as Prophylaxis and Treatment in a Large Animal Model of Orthopaedic Device-Related Infection. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2022;12.
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2022Guerra Valero YC, Dorofaeff T, Coulthard MG, Sparkes L, Lipman J, Wallis SC, Roberts JA, Parker SL. Optimal dosing of cefotaxime and desacetylcefotaxime for critically ill paediatric patients. Can we use microsampling? J Antimicrob Chemother. 2022;77(8):2227-37.
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2022Heffernan AJ, Sime FB, Kumta N, Wallis SC, McWhinney B, Ungerer J, Wong G, Joynt GM, Lipman J, Roberts JA. Multicenter Population Pharmacokinetic Study of Unbound Ceftriaxone in Critically Ill Patients. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2022.66(6):e02189-21.
2022Heffernan AJ, Sime FB, Lim SMS, Adiraju S, Wallis SC, Lipman J, Grant GD, Roberts JA. Pharmacodynamics of ceftriaxone for the treatment of methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus: is it a viable treatment option? Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2022;59(3):106537.
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2022Mitchell RJ, McMaugh A, Woodhead H, Lystad RP, Zurynski Y, Badgery-Parker T, Cameron CM, Hng TM. The impact of type 1 diabetes mellitus in childhood on academic performance: A matched population-based cohort study. Pediatr Diabetes. 2022;23(3):411-20.
2022Nanda G, Vallmuur K, Catchpoole J, Lehto MR. 2023. A Bayesian Network-Based Semi-automated Injury Classification System. In: Duffy VG, Lehto M, Yih Y, Proctor RW (eds) Human-Automation Interaction. Automation, Collaboration, & E-Services, vol 10. Springer, Cham.
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2022Parker SL, Wallis SC, Fourie C, Lassig-Smith M, Starr T, Chikatamarla A, Dorofaeff T, Chatfield MD, Lipman J, Roberts JA. Evaluation of low-volume plasma sampling for the analysis of meropenem in clinical samples. Anal Bioanal Chem. 2022;414(6):2155-62.
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2021Holley A, Droder B, Reade M, Lipman J, Pilcher D, Litton E, Karamujic N, Laupland K, Vallmuur K, Delaney A, Cohen J. The need for an Australasian burns critical care standardised data collection tool. Crit Care Resusc. 2021;23(4):361-3.
2021Holley AD, Dulhunty J, Udy A, Midwinter M, Lukin B, Stuart J, Boots R, Lassig-Smith M, Holley RB, Paratz J, Lipman J. Early Sequential Microcirculation Assessment In Shocked Patients as a Predictor of Outcome: A Prospective Observational Cohort Study.Shock (Augusta, Ga). 2021;55(5):581-6.
2021Holley AD, Dulhunty J, Udy A, Midwinter M, Lukin B, Stuart J, Boots R, Lassig-Smith M, Holley RB, Paratz J, Lipman J. Early Sequential Microcirculation Assessment In Shocked Patients as a Predictor of Outcome: A Prospective Observational Cohort Study. Shock. 2021;55(5):581-6.
2021McCreanor V, Nowbar A, Rajkumar C, Barnett AG, Francis D, Graves N, Boden WE, Weintraub WS, Al-Lamee R, Parsonage WA. Cost-effectiveness analysis of percutaneous coronary intervention for single-vessel coronary artery disease: an economic evaluation of the ORBITA trial. BMJ Open. 2021;11(2):e044054.
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2021Vallmuur K, McCreanor V, Cameron C, Watson A, Shibl R, Banu S, McPhail SM, Warren J. Three Es of linked injury data: Episodes, Encounters and Events. Inj Prev. 2021;27:479-489.
2021Vuong KA, Manzanero S, Ungerer JPJ, Mitchell G, McWhinney B, Vallmuur K, Warren J, McCreanor V, Howell T, Pollard C, Schuetz M, Zournazi A, Cameron CM. Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption in Emergency department presentations (PACE) in Queensland, Australia, using alcohol biomarkers ethanol and phosphatidylethanol: an observational study protocol. BMJ Open. 2021;11(11):e047887.
2021Westacott G, Vallmuur K, Schuetz M. Data Transfer from Clinic to Clinic–Queensland Perspective. 2021; 37(01):76-83.
2021Williamson F, Warren J, Cameron CM. Rib fractures in blunt chest trauma: factors that influence daily patient controlled opiate use during acute care. Injury. 2021. S0020-1383(21)00750-6.
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2021Adamson S, Carpenter H, Pang G, Pincus JM, Gregory BE, Reade MC. Staff perceptions of military chemical “biologica “radiological “nuclear (CBRN) air-purifying masks during a simulated clinical task in the context of SARS-CoV-2. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2021:49(3):190-197.
2021Agyeman AA, Rogers KE, Tait JR, Bergen PJ, Kirkpatrick CM, Wallis SC, Bulitta JB, Paterson DL, Lipman J, Nation RL, Roberts JA, Landersdorfer CB. Evaluation of Meropenem-Ciprofloxacin Combination Dosage Regimens for the Pharmacokinetics of Critically Ill Patients With Augmented Renal Clearance. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2021;109(4):1104-15.
2021Andrews R, Wynn MT, Vallmuur K, Elcock M, Rashford S, Bosley E, ter Hofstede AH. Trauma by-pass guideline: A data-driven conformance analysis for road trauma cases in Queensland. Emerg Med Australas. 2021.
2021Bitton E, Zimmerman S, Azevedo LCP, Benhamou D, Cecconi M, De Waele JJ, Lipman J, Martin-Loeches I, Pirracchio R, Scheeren TWL, Leone M, Einav S. An international survey of adherence to Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines 2016 regarding fluid resuscitation and vasopressors in the initial management of septic shock. J Crit Care. 2021.
2021Boot W, Schmid T, D'Este M, Guillaume O, Foster A, Decosterd L, Richards RG, Eglin D, Zeiter S, Moriarty TF. A Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Loaded with Gentamicin and Vancomycin Successfully Eradicates Chronic Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Orthopedic Infection in a Sheep Model. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2021;65:e01840-20
2021Buschbaum J, Freitag L, Slongo TF, Zeiter S, Schuetz M, Windolf M. Growth modulation of angular deformities with a novel constant force implant concept-preclinical results. J Child Orthop. 2021;15(2):137-48.
2021Epari DR, Gurung R, Hofmann-Fliri L, Schwyn R, Schuetz M, Windolf M. Biphasic plating improves the mechanical performance of locked plating for distal femur fractures. J Biomechanics 2021;115:110192.
2021Farkas A, Oikonomou K, Ghanbar M, Villasurda P, Varghese J, Lipman J, Sassine J, Ranganathan D, Roberts JA. Population pharmacokinetics of intra-peritoneal gentamicin and the impact of varying dwell times on pharmacodynamic target attainment in patients with acute peritonitis undergoing peritoneal dialysis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2021:Aac0167921.
2021Garbez N, Mbatchi L, Wallis SC, Muller L, Lipman J, Roberts JA, Lefrant JY, Roger C. Micafungin population PK analysis in plasma and peritoneal fluid in septic patients with intra-abdominal infections: a prospective cohort study. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2021;
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2021Heffernan AJ, Sime FB, Naicker S, Andrews K, Ellwood D, Guerra-Valero Y, Wallis S, Lipman J, Grimwood K, Roberts JA. Pharmacodynamics of once- versus twice-daily dosing of nebulized amikacin in an in vitro Hollow-Fiber Infection Model against 3 clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2021;100(2):115329.
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2020Andrews R, Wynn MT, Vallmuur K, ter Hofstede AHM, Bosley E. A comparative process mining analysis of road trauma patient pathways. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020.
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2019Karbysheva S, Butini ME, Di Luca M, Winkler T, Schuetz M, Trampuz A. Chemical biofilm dislodgement with chelating and reducing agents in comparison to sonication: Implications for the diagnosis of implant associated infection. bioRxiv. 2019;604637.
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Jamieson Trauma Institute

Level 13, Block 7

Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital

Email: Jamieson_Trauma_



Newsletter – February

Happy new year! We hope that you had a good break, spending time with your loved ones and recharging your batteries for the new year. These recent weeks have been a busy period for JTI, full of kick-off meetings for exciting new projects. These projects will focus on addressing trauma and its effects, with a clear plan for implementation, and they represent our mission for quality improvement and a genuine zest for collaboration.

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