About us
The establishment of the Metro North Comprehensive Breast Cancer Institute (CBCI) is a unique opportunity to bring together professionals involved with breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, primary care providers, researchers, and the community. CBCI acknowledges healthcare constraints and proactively addresses these through the integration of innovative technologies.
The CBCI adopts a holistic approach to breast cancer treatment integrating medical expertise, emotional support, and lifestyle considerations. The institute aims to enhance the overall quality of life throughout the treatment journey, fostering a supportive environment, advanced technology and an environment that extends beyond conventional medical practices.
The Queensland Cooktown Orchid, chosen as the emblem for the CBCI encapsulates the Institute’s dedication to nurturing collaborative relationships, fostering patient advocacy and blossoming a patient’s pathway through innovation and education.
An Introduction into the year ahead
In the future, personalised treatment, surveillance, and wellness strategies will be a focus of the CBCI. The CBCI aims to improve geographic access and close service gaps to make high quality care accessible to every Metro North citizen. This will be achieved by creating seamlessly networked services in comprehensive facilities offering world class breast diagnostics and contemporary treatment, informed by the best evidence, and facilitating clinical and basic research.
In saying this, the CBCI Committees (Steering, Clinical Advisory, Research and Community Engagement) will meet regularly to ensure the progression and advancement of CBCI goals and objectives.
The CBCI has established strong and committed layered governance groups who have a remit to collectively recommend decisions and seek support by service areas. The effective layered governance consists of four essential layers:
- Strategic
- Clinical/Research
- Operational
- Engagement
The groups work cohesively by ensuring decision making is effective and at the appropriate level to ensure they are accepted and implemented. CBCI governance is led by four committees:
CBCI Steering Committee
The CBCI will facilitate best practice standardised breast care for patients within Metro North Health through clinical care coordination, innovation, education, and research. The CBCI aims to improve geographic access and close service gaps to make high quality care accessible to every Metro North citizen. This will be achieved by creating seamlessly networked services in comprehensive facilities offering world class breast diagnostics and contemporary treatment, informed by the best evidence, and facilitating clinical and basic research. Personalised treatment, surveillance, and wellness strategies is a future focus of the CBCI.
CBCI Clinical Advisory Group
The Clinical Advisory Group supports the CBCI Steering Committee, by providing expert clinical decision support, and by responding to clinical and business partners to define new ways of collaborative working and care approaches. The Group provides committed support to CBCI, and services to ensure service delivery, research, education and clinical care are evidence-based and best practice.
CBCI Research Group
The Research Committee, by working with clinical and academic partners to establish an effective research platform, identify and support researchers, work to translate research activities into clinical practice, and connect clinicians with researchers through cooperation. The Committee will provide leadership in the development of the CBCI Research Program. Key priorities being:
- Promote and support academic research capability of clinical and non-clinical staff
- Increase collaboration between researchers in Metro North Health and connectedness locally, nationally and internationally
- Provide advice and guidance in the development of an agreed research plan to support the development of breast cancer research capability
In collaboration with internal and external partners, support and facilitate multi-site approval of clinical trials and research capacity to decentralise clinical trial activity.
CBCI Community Engagement Group
The Community Engagement Committee advise the Steering Committee of community and consumer engagement matters, providing a consumer-focused contribution towards the development of the CBCI.
The events held in 2024 are designed to encompass clinical education events, community-oriented gatherings with health consumers, and other related activities. This is aimed at enhancing the overall well-being and engagement of the community. The Comprehensive Breast Cancer Institute aims to foster community cohesion, create support networks for patients, educate health professionals on innovative breast health concepts and implement new innovative services. The events will feature guest speakers, health consumers, and healthcare professionals.

Keep up to date with our newsletters
In 2024, our commitment to keeping you well informed is exemplified through our quarterly newsletter. This source of information will serve as a comprehensive update on the latest development within our Institute.

Comprehensive Breast Cancer Institute (CBCI)
Metro North Health
Level 7, Block 7
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital campus
Email: cbci@health.qld.gov.au