

Sexually transmissible infections

On this page

    A STI is a sexually transmissible infection that you can get from any form of sexual activity, including vaginal, anal and oral sex, sharing sex toys, or close sexual contact.

    Many STIs have no symptoms. Some STIs appear to go away on their own but stay active in the body and can be passed between sexual partners.

    Video explainers

    We’ve collected together some short videos to help you understand more about STIs.

    The STI house
    What happens when STIs move in?

    Take Blackton
    Not all STIs have symptoms.

    Chlamydia explained
    Chlamydia symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment!

    Genital Warts explained
    Chlamydia symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment!

    STD Symptoms in Men
    Top 5 STDs you need to know

    Types of STIs

    Prevention is better than cure!

    Stay safe by getting your protection and contraception sorted.

    A lot of the time time people with STIs don’t show symptoms, which means you can be having sex without knowing your or your partner are infected.

    Find out how to be prepared, and much more about STIs, at the Stop the Rise website.

    Safe Sex at Stop the Rise


    Will I know if I have an STI?2023-03-24T08:54:01+00:00

    Not necessarily as many STIs have no symptoms. Some STIs appear to go away on their own but stay active in the body and can be passed between sexual partners.

    Can all STIs be treated?2023-03-24T08:55:04+00:00

    Some STIs can be treated and will go away, while other STIs and blood-borne viruses cannot be cured (but there are effective treatment options available to help with symptoms). Using condoms with water-based lubricant can reduce the risk of getting some STIs, though STIs that spread through skin-to-skin contact, such as herpes, genital warts and syphilis can still be passed despite using protection.

    Do condoms prevent STIs?2023-03-24T08:56:44+00:00

    Using a condom is the only method of contraception that helps to protect against both STIs and pregnancy. They are available free at our service and other community-based organisations (such as Queensland Positive People & Queensland AIDS Council), and can also be purchased at supermarkets, chemists, servos.

    Read more at Stop the Rise >

    How soon can I have a test after having sex?2023-03-24T08:57:31+00:00

    Some infections can take 1 – 2 weeks to show in a test, while others may take up to 3 months. This is called the window period and if you have no symptoms, it is recommended you wait to test after these periods. Please contact the service if you have questions around window periods.

    If I test positive, how do I tell my partner(s)?2023-03-24T08:58:49+00:00

    Contact tracing is essential as it helps reduces transmission, prevents re-infection and allows for early treatment. You can tell your partner(s) that they are a STI contact in person, over the phone, by text message or anonymously. For more complex situations please speak to our service for advice and support.

    Read more at Stop the Rise >

    How often should I have a sexual health check?2023-03-24T09:00:53+00:00

    If you don’t have any signs of an STI, it is recommended that you have a sexual health check every 3 months. These can be at our service, another sexual health clinic, community testing services or a GP.

    List of public clinics in Queensland >

    What vaccinations can I have for STIs?2023-03-24T09:01:42+00:00

    There are vaccines available for Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and HPV (genital warts). You may have had some vaccinations as a child or in school. You can check your health record to find out.