
The Herston Infectious Diseases Institute (HeIDI) aims to deliver innovative infectious diseases research that achieves clinical excellence in the surveillance, diagnosis and management of serious infections that impact on our community, prevents and monitors healthcare-associated infections, and promotes partnerships between industry, government and academic institutions.

News & events


2023 HeIDI Annual Forum

21 September 2023|

Date:22 November 2023
Time: 11.30am - 6.00pm
Venue: Virtual and in person at Education Centre, Herston Health Precinct

The HeIDI Annual Forum aims to illuminate contemporary ideas in infectious diseases, microbiology, infection prevention and control and pandemic planning and response. The main program will feature presentations from prominent experts, key stakeholders and HeIDI researchers, and will be complemented by workshops held on Tuesday 21 November 2023.

Allergy be Gone!

21 September 2023|

Date:21 November 2023
Time: 3.00pm - 5.00pm
Venue: Virtual and in person at Conference room 2, Level 5, CSDS

Develop practical skills in the assessment and management of penicillin allergies to take back to your workplace and implement safely. The workshop will feature case studies based on urban, regional and remote settings.

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RBWH Foundation



Herston Infectious Diseases Institute (HeIDI)


Herston Infectious Diseases Institute (HeIDI)

Level 8, UQ Centre for Clinical Research
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital

Phone: (07) 3647 0802
Email: HeIDI@health.qld.gov.au

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