About QISU
Queensland Injury Surveillance Unit
Starting in1988, Queensland Injury Surveillance Unit (QISU) formerly known as Queensland Injury Surveillance Prevention Program (QISPP) originally collected urban injury data from seven hospitals in Brisbane’s southside as well as periodically collecting rural data. In 1998 QISU expanded and upgraded its surveillance activity to include new sites and convert paper-based collections to electronic data. One hundred percent of data is now collected electronically.
There has been a shift in participating hospitals over time.
For a full breakdown of our data collection sites over time, collection periods and method of data capture please see QISU Data
Requests for data reports can be completed on the Data Request page
QISU holds data collected across seven Queensland Health Service (HHS) regions:
- Cairns and Hinterland HHS
- Central Queensland HHS
- Queensland Children’s Health
- Darling Downs HHS
- Mackay HHS
- Metro North HHS
- Metro South HHS
- Townsville HHS
- Wide Bay HHS
Metro North Hospital and Health Service
Level 13, Block 7 Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital HERSTON QLD 4029
Phone: (07)3647 9526
Email: qisu@health.qld.gov.au