Hospital/Home isolation FAQs

Who is looking after me?

You may be in hospital for reasons other than COVID, in which case you will have a medical / surgical team looking after you for this.

With regards to COVID treatment and advice, you are looked after by the Infectious Diseases team.

How long will I stay in hospital?

This will depend on a number of factors – with regards to COVID, 7 days isolation is recommended, however, it may be longer if you have ongoing symptoms. This does not have to be completed in hospital.

If you are deemed well enough, and able to isolate at home, we may be able to discharge you to complete the remainder there.

Can I leave my hospital room?

You must stay in your room whilst you are admitted. Unfortunately, we cannot let you go outside. Your isolation is for the protection of staff and other patients, and in line with National Public Health Guidelines.

If I am discharged to complete isolation at home, do members of my household need to stay at home with me?

At the time of writing, your household will need to isolate together unless any members have had COVID within the last month, in which case they do not need to isolate again.

If you would like further clarification on this, please ask to speak to the Infectious Diseases / COVID team.