Keeping active

The Australian government advises at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise on most, preferably all, days of the week.

Exercise is good for not only your physical health and wellbeing, but also your mental health, and it has been proven to reduce signs and symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.

We appreciate that you currently have limited space to move in but suggest you try and stay active if you are well enough to do so.

Please only do this if you are well – if you have active COVID symptoms e.g. fever, cough, shortness of breath, or are just recovering, you should rest and recuperate.

If you are new to exercise, you should build up your activity and the intensity of it gradually.


Yoga and pilates are great for a low-intensity, effective workout – there are many free YouTube channels such as Yoga with Adriene, Blogilates and Move with Nicole.

You could incorporate the QLD Health – 7 Easy Exercises or the moves suggested in this ACT Exercise in Quarantine Factsheet into a routine or short circuit.

Other things you could try are on-the-spot marching, weight training (you can use water bottles or cans in place of traditional weights), and simple body-weight exercises such as lunges and squats.