Meet Donne Clengan: Advanced Scope Clinical Assistant at Caboolture Hospital

Donne Clengan, Advanced Scope Clinical Assistant Caboolture Hospital’s Occupational Therapy Department.
Donne Clengan, an Advanced Scope Clinical Assistant in the Occupational Therapy Department at Caboolture Hospital, plays a crucial role in providing high-quality care for patients with complex needs.
Since joining the team in late 2015, Donne has worked closely with both patients and the wider healthcare team to deliver comprehensive assessments and personalised interventions.
Donne specialises in handling complex cases, facilitating injury assessments and cognitive screening.
As part of her responsibilities, she conducts detailed home environment interviews to ensure that each patient’s living space is conducive to recovery and independence.
“I see my role as information gatherer so that the Occupational Therapist has the most in-depth information as possible,” said Donne who’s affectionately known as the “work mother” by her colleagues.
“I love getting to know people—the patients and their families. It’s about understanding how people live their lives and how we can help them facilitate that.”
Originally from Christchurch, New Zealand, Donne’s career in health started in a rural hospital setting in Golden Bay, New Zealand.
Donne moved to Australia in 2012, where she worked in the Operative Unit at Cairns Hospital, and before that, she was a phlebotomist.
Outside of her clinical duties, Donne is also involved in the health and safety of her colleagues.
She serves as the Health and Safety Representative for Allied Health, is a Fire Warden, and trains staff in manual handling techniques, specifically for the Occupational Therapy team.
Additionally, Donne takes on the important role of mentoring university students on placements and helping them get set up and a feel of the lay of the land.
Donne is also passionate about staying fit and active, recognising how important it is to maintain good health—especially as we age. She enjoys running five kilometres, two to three times a week, and finds this routine helps her stay energized and focused both at work and in her personal life.