Refer your patient

Information for GPs and health professionals to help refer patients and find services available at Metro North Health.

Refer your patient

Refer your patient

The information contained on these pages is for GPs and health professionals to help refer patients and find services available at Metro North Health.

Latest updates

Virtual Ward
GPs can now use the eReferral template to refer and provide a written clinical handover to Metro North Virtual Ward following a discussion with the Virtual Ward Consultant via phone on 07 3074 2109 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Download the new templates.

Rapid Access Clinics
Rapid Access Clinics and Services – Local GPs can refer patients requiring escalation of care to these services for urgent assessment and treatment within a few days to provide an alternative to an emergency presentation.

Specialist outpatient services

Specialist outpatient referrals are coordinated through the Metro North Health Central Patient Intake Unit for hospitals in the region.

Find outpatient referral guidelines by speciality or referred condition below:

GP Referrals Enquiry Line: 1300 364 938

Community Health Services

Enquiry hotline:

1300 658 252

Fax: 3360 4822

Clinical advice services

Virtual Emergency Care Service
1300 847 833

Monday to Sunday
8:00 am – 10:00 pm

Metro North Clinical Advice Line
1800 569 099

Monday to Friday
8:30 am – 4:00 pm
For GPs only

Residential Aged Care District Assessment and Referral Service (RADAR)

Monday to Sunday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm

Older Persons Emergency Network (OPEN)
1300 072 327

Monday to Sunday
8:00 am – 8:00 pm

Adult referral hotline:

1300 MHCALL (1300 64 2255)

Mental health services in Metro North

Child and Youth Mental Health Services (CYMHS) for persons under the age of 18.

BERT is an interdisciplinary outreach and crisis response team, who works collaboratively with the person with a disability who has complex and challenging behaviour and their carers/ service providers to better manage their behaviours and primary health needs.

Referral hotline:

1300 300 850

Fax: (07) 5433 8577

Oral health services are delivered at our dedicated oral health facilities, hospitals, community outreach clinics and schools.

A referral is not required for most services.

View Sexual health and HIV service for more information.

1800 177 833

Fax: (07) 3837 5914

Call Adis 24/7 Alcohol and Drug Support for 24-hour, 7 day a week confidential support for people in Queensland with alcohol and other drug concerns, their families and health professionals.

View Alcohol and Drug service for more information.

1300 0 RADAR (1300 0 72327)

RADAR Rapid Response (RR) is a multi-disciplinary team led by emergency and geriatric consultants, nurse practitioners, nurse navigators and pharmacists.  The service is a QAS co-responder ED substitution service. It also works in conjunction with the local RADAR teams to facilitate the access to hospital-based outreach services for acutely unwell and deteriorating people living within residential aged care facilities in the Brisbane North area.

RADAR RR is a single point of contact for QAS officers, GP’s and after hours RACF staff focused on improving the health of older persons residing in RACFs by providing a comprehensive acute care consultative nursing, medical and pharmacy outreach, or telehealth service.

We are available    0800 – 1600
7 days a week

Clinicians in the North Brisbane region can now access these pathways online. They provide the user with point of-care guidance for the assessment and management of medical conditions.

Upcoming events

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Does your patient reside in the Metro North Health catchment?

In most cases, referrals are only accepted from patients residing in the Metro North Health catchment.

Type your patient's suburb or postcode
Register now for the #NextCare Health Conference 2022
Oral Health services

Referral hotline:

1300 300 850

Fax: (07) 5433 8577

Oral health services are delivered at our dedicated oral health facilities, hospitals, community outreach clinics and schools.

Mental Health services

Adult referral hotline:

1300 MHCALL (1300 64 2255)

Mental health services in Metro North

Child and Youth Mental Health Services (CYMHS) for persons under the age of 18.

Sexual Health and HIV services

A referral is not required for most services.

View Sexual health and HIV service for more information.

Alcohol and Drug Service

Contact us:

1800 177 833

Fax: (07) 3837 5914

Call Adis 24/7 Alcohol and Drug Support for 24-hour, 7 day a week confidential support for people in Queensland with alcohol and other drug concerns, their families and health professionals.

View Alcohol and Drug service for more information.

Residential Aged Care District Assessment and Referral Service

1300 0 RADAR (1300 0 72327)

RADAR Rapid Response (RR) is a multi-disciplinary team led by emergency and geriatric consultants, nurse practitioners, nurse navigators and pharmacists.  The service is a QAS co-responder ED substitution service. It also works in conjunction with the local RADAR teams to facilitate the access to hospital-based outreach services for acutely unwell and deteriorating people living within residential aged care facilities in the Brisbane North area.

RADAR RR is a single point of contact for QAS officers, GP’s and after hours RACF staff focused on improving the health of older persons residing in RACFs by providing a comprehensive acute care consultative nursing, medical and pharmacy outreach, or telehealth service.

We are available    0800 – 1600

 7 days a week.

Brisbane North HealthPathways

Clinicians in the North Brisbane region can now access these pathways online. They provide the user with point of-care guidance for the assessment and management of medical conditions.

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