New podiatry initiative putting CKW on the front foot
A new initiative is aiming to improve outcomes for high-risk foot patients within Caboolture Hospital and Woodford Correctional Health Service.
Valentine’s Day a special occasion for Caboolture Hospital medical intern
Valentine’s Day this year is a special occasion for Caboolture Hospital medical intern Dr Bianca Pang who will share the day at work with her fiancé’.
How your medication can make you more vulnerable to the heat
Medications commonly prescribed to treat high blood pressure, heart conditions, allergies and mental health conditions, can all make you more vulnerable to the heat.
Persistent Pain Clinic celebrate first year milestone at MATSICHS
The Persistent Pain Clinic partnership at The Moreton Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service (Moreton ATSICHS) recently celebrated its first year of outreach care.
How to keep safe during a heatwave
South East Queensland is currently experiencing heatwave conditions.
TPCH welcomes sibling sets of new doctors as part of Metro North intern cohort
Metro North Health welcomes 203 new junior doctors this week including two sets of siblings at The Prince Charles Hospital.
New podiatry initiative putting CKW on the front foot
A new initiative is aiming to improve outcomes for high-risk foot patients within Caboolture Hospital and Woodford Correctional Health Service.
Patient stories
Baby Arthur goes home in time for World Prematurity Day
Baby Arthur, born at just over 28 weeks, has been able to go home with the help of the RBWH NeoHOME program.
John makes sure Fit Testing is not a ‘hair raising’ experience.
John performs a very important role at TPCH, providing Fit Testing for staff to ensure they have the correct size and brand of mask/respirator for their individual face.
Natascha has new lease on life thanks to Evy the labradoodle
25-year-old Natascha Kamp, who has a Functional Neurological Disorder (FND), having an assistance dog has been life changing.
Ekka Champion Gordon owes a lot to RBWH nurse navigator Suzie
Through years of health struggles, 98-year-old Gordon Hooper has always been able to fall back on his love of painting for joy and diversion during the tough times.
Staff profiles
Caboolture Hospital nurse Colleen Herrmann celebrates 50 years of service
Caboolture Hospital nurse Colleen Herrmann celebrates 50 years of service.
Meet Donne Clengan: Advanced Scope Clinical Assistant at Caboolture Hospital
Donne Clengan, an Advanced Scope Clinical Assistant in Caboolture Hospital’s Occupational Therapy Department, plays a crucial role in providing high-quality care for patients with complex needs.
Anna brings significant value to community wound care patients
Nurse practitioners continue to play an important part in the delivery of high-quality care to the community, especially for complex wound and stoma conditions.
A little corner of the Royal set aside to ensure that after 44 years of service, Barb won’t be forgotten
A plaque commemorating her years of service to the Royal can be found outside the Main Entrance to RBWH – in the green space now aptly known as ‘Barb’s Garden’.