Tests and scans

Your GP or private midwife will talk to you about the routine tests needed during your pregnancy. These tests will check your health, your baby’s growth and to identify possible problems. Check-ups may include ultrasound scans, a cervical screening test, a breast check and blood tests.

Ultrasound scan

Your GP or private midwife will let you know when you need an ultrasound and refer you to a service. An ultrasound is a safe way to create an image of your developing baby. There may be a cost involved depending on where you go but some places bulk bill through Medicare.

Below is a list of common ultrasounds carried out in a normal, low-risk pregnancy which is also listed on your Pregnancy Health Record.

8-9 weeks | Dating scan

An early dating scan is requested by your GP before referral to Caboolture to confirm your due date. This test can provide reassurance and help date your pregnancy more accurately.

11-13 weeks | Combined first trimester screening tests

At 11-13 weeks, a nuchal translucency scan and blood test is offered to calculate the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities to check for major structural abnormalities. There may be a cost involved for this ultrasound depending on the provider. Your due date is estimated during this test. There may be a cost involved for this ultrasound as Medicare needs a clinical reason in order to bulk bill.

18-20 weeks | Morphology scan

A morphology scan is an important ultrasound which checks for major physical abnormalities in your baby.

Other tests to consider in early pregnancy

Cell-free DNA screening or non-invasive prenatal testing

Cell-free DNA screening, or non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), uses a sample of your blood to estimate the chance of your baby having a chromosomal condition such as Down syndrome. It can identify about 99 per cent of babies with Down syndrome and can also test for other chromosomal conditions. It is an optional test which can be performed at any time after nine weeks gestation and can be ordered by your GP or obstetrician at the hospital. It is provided by one of a number of private providers, there will be a cost to this test as there is no Medicare refund. percept NIPT for patients – VCGS

Genetic Carrier screening

Carrier screening is an optional test for you and your partner to find out if you are carriers of a genetic condition. If you and your reproductive partner are both carriers for the same condition, you usually have a 1 in 4 (or 25 per cent) chance of having a child with that condition. This can help you make decisions about testing of your baby. prepair Carrier Screening for Patients – VCGS

Contact us

Antenatal Clinic
Location: Outpatient Services, Caboolture Hospital
Phone: (07) 5433 8474

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