While you’re in hospital

Baby sleeping

In the maternity ward, you will stay in the same room as your baby to begin recognising the signs that your baby is hungry, uncomfortable, needs a change or wants a cuddle.

Bed sharing

It is advised not to sleep with your baby within the hospital environment. If you bring your baby into your bed, make sure both bed rails are up and tell a midwife. Please return your baby to the cot after feeding and cuddles. This is especially important when you are very tired and find it difficult to stay awake.  Watch a short video on safe sleeping from Red Nose.


For your baby’s safety  we advise that you:

  • do not leave your baby unattended on your bed
  • only transport your baby in the cot
  • avoid carrying your baby in your arms outside the ward area
  • avoid drinking hot fluids while holding your baby.

Identification bands

In hospital, your baby will have 2 pieces of identification attached to their ankles at all times. Please notify a staff member immediately if any of these become loose or fall off. If you are ever separated from your baby, your identification band is checked against your baby’s once you are together again.

Hand hygiene

Wash your hands before touching or cuddling your baby.  There are hand sanitisers throughout the hospital and in your room. Hand hygiene is very important to keep you and your baby healthy and we encourage staff, patients and visitors to regularly wash their hands.

Recommended screens and tests

Newborn Bloodspot Screening

Newborn Bloodspot Screening is a quick, safe, heel prick test for new babies that can identify rare but serious medical conditions early. Watch the video or download a brochure about the test.

Contact us

Postnatal Ward
Location: Level 2, Caboolture Hospital
Phone: (07) 5433 8629
Visiting hours: 8.00am-1.00pm and 3.00pm-8.00pm

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