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Post-natal physiotherapy

Caboolture Hospital offers a post-natal physiotherapy clinic twice a month on a Friday morning from 10am – 11.30am.

The post-natal clinic is a group of six to eight mums and run by a physiotherapist. The following topics are covered:

  • Physical changes during and after pregnancy
  • Pelvic floor and abdominal (tummy) muscles
  • Good bladder and bowel habits
  • Back care
  • Other issues such as spine stiffness, pelvic joint pain, and carpal tunnel issues
  • General exercises

Attending the class also allows the physiotherapist to assess if you need any further treatment. You are welcome to bring your baby along to the class.

If you are not sure if the class is right for you or if you have any questions, call and ask to speak to someone about the class. We will arrange for a physiotherapist to call you back.

If you have concerns or think you need more treatment, please call us within three months from the date of your baby’s delivery.

If it is longer than this, please see your GP to get a new referral to the physiotherapy team.

Contact us

Caboolture Hospital Physiotherapy team
Phone: (07) 5433 8880
Open: Monday – Friday
8 am to 4 pm

Need help outside hours?

For non-urgent medical issues call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit your GP.

In an emergency call 000.

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