Diverting organic waste from landfill to compost

Niel Verral and Jess

Green Metro North waste icon


On average, a total of 14,000kg of organic waste per month across Metro North facilities is now being diverted from landfill, thanks to the collaborative work of dietetics, food services and environment and waste teams.

Jess a dietitian team leader, and the Metro North Environment and Waste Department, recognised there was an opportunity to recycle the large volume of organic waste, which now goes to an advanced composting facility that converts organic waste into high grade compost.

“Once we found our staff champions to help share the message then there was enough motivation from the staff which got us over the line,” Jess said.

Niel, Waste Coordinator at STARS, has developed data analytics tools to track, report and analyse the true volumes of organic waste diverted from landfill across Metro North.

“In this process we are able to gain so much more information and data than we’ve ever had before, which helps us keep focussed on preventing making waste in the first place.

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