Message from the Executive Director

2022-05-30T15:21:55+10:0027 May 2022|Facility Messages, CKW|
Angie Dobbrick

Angie Dobbrick, Executive Director, Caboolture, Kilcoy & Woodford Clinical Directorate

National Sorry Day yesterday and National Reconciliation Week (NRW) starting today are both important opportunities for all of us to reflect on shared histories, cultures, achievements and explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

CKW’s vision for reconciliation is to build and maintain trusting, respectful, safe and therapeutic relationships that acknowledge past harms and traumas inflicted upon Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their communities. I want us to walk forward together on a shared journey towards
reconciliation and equity. The theme for this year is ‘Be Brave. Make Change’ and I would challenge you all to think how you play your part in this, especially using the lense of Health Equity.

Earlier this week, our Yarns with the Community event at Morayfield included local Elders, staff and
the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community coming together to yarn about the hospital redevelopment and several other key topics. It was a great success and I hope it will become a regular event in future.

For National Reconciliation Week, the CKW RAP Committee has organised Dr Carmen
Parter to speak on this year’s theme “Be Brave, Make Change”. Dr Parter’s presentation will be part of the monthly CKW RAP meeting on Thursday 2 June, starting at 12pm.

Dr Parter is a proud descendant of the Darumbal and Juru Clans of the Birra Gubbi Nation (in the State of Queensland) with South Sea Islander heritage connected to Tanna Islander of the Republic of Vanuatu.

She is a highly regarded impactful health industry expert who has outstanding experiences of respectfully partnering with communities and end users.

With a background as a clinician, educator, health service researcher, and manager including over 25-years as a senior policy maker and an accomplished executive leader, she is now an academic researcher and speaker with a focus on understanding and dismantling systemic racism.

All CKW staff are welcome to attend the meeting via Microsoft Teams. Click here to join.

PPE changes

A reminder that the PPE guide
was refreshed yesterday. The main difference is that P2/N95 masks are required in emergency department and wards with COVID-19 patients. In other clinical areas, staff need to wear a flat surgical mask. There is no change to eyewear requirements.

You can choose to go up a level in the PPE guideline
(such as wearing an N95 mask), but you cannot choose a lower level.

The Common Good Children’s Appeal

The Common Good is extending its support to Caboolture Hospital, by launching the first ever Caboolture Hospital Children’s Appeal!

The appeal is raising funds for an improved, vibrant play space for sick kids on the paediatric ward. Not only will this provide a welcome distraction from their hospital stay, it also creates an environment for children to be active and engaged whilst they recover.

The appeal is also funding an additional lifesaving omni bed for infants and newborns. This special piece of equipment is for very sick infants requiring resuscitation and for newborns requiring phototherapy.

The Common Good has set a fundraising target of $100,000. You can find more details on how to donate here.

New Service Readiness Team Director

Welcome to Jodie Green as the new Caboolture Hospital Director of Service Readiness. Jodie comes to us with a great deal of experience and skills in redevelopment and service readiness. Please say hello to Jodie when you see her around the hospital campus.

Staff flu vaccinations continue

A reminder that flu vaccinations are available on Sunday (29 May) from 8am-10am, 11am-1pm and 2pm-3.30pm.  Phone Ext 8869 to find the mobile location. Don’t forget your staff ID and Medicare card.

Crazy Socks 4Docs Day

#CrazySocks4Docs Day is an initiative that aims to raise awareness of the mental health for all doctors and health practitioners. Next Friday (3 June), doctors around the world will wear loud and colourful socks to show support, to remember those colleagues lost and to start a conversation about mental
health. Learn more at

We can all be involved. Take a photo and share on social media using the hashtag #CrazySocks4Docs and #Caboolture, #Kilcoy or #Woodford to help raise awareness
for doctors’ mental health.

Check out the updated Caboolture Hospital redevelopment roadmap

Did you know that the Caboolture Hospital Redevelopment Project (CHRP) team will soon be installing CT and X-Ray machines ready for the new Emergency Department?

Have you noticed that the CHRP team is also refurbishing the food services area, so it has capacity to meet higher demand as the hospital expands?

It’s all on the Caboolture Hospital Redevelopment Roadmap, which was recently updated. You can view it here.


I will be acting Executive Director
of The Prince Charles Hospital from Monday 6 June to Sunday 26th June, while Tami Photinos is acting in the Metro North Health Chief Operating Officer role. I will take some leave afterwards, returning to CKW on Monday 11 July.

Dr Simon Bugden will be acting Executive Director during this time,
with Metro North Incident Controller Louise O’Riordan covering one week from Monday 20 June to Friday 24 June.

Take Care,


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