Metro North GP Liaison update – Common challenges in primary care: Sexual Health update

Date: 21st February 2023
Time: 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm
Venue: Education Centre The Prince Charles Hospital

Brisbane North PHN and Metro North Hospital and Health Service invite GPs to join us and our panel of experts for an evening of education, networking and discussion. Join your GP colleagues and Specialists from the Metro North Sexual Health team and Metro North Public Health Unit to discuss the assessment and management of common sexually transmitted infections and up to date information regarding Sexual Health and Public Health services and referral pathways.

Leveling up gender equality within Metro North

Metro North Health have commenced an exciting new project aimed at promoting gender equality in the medical profession. Level Up aims to support medical women in training to reach senior positions over the course of their career through providing mentoring, leadership development programs, and specific pathways for reporting discrimination.

Site activity update – Wednesday 11 to Friday 20 January 2023

We hope you have enjoyed the festive season and are ready for an exciting year ahead as the Caboolture Hospital Redevelopment Projects head to completion. We will continue to keep you updated on construction activities and any impacts throughout the year.

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