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So far Douglas has created 39 blog entries.

Indigenous courtesy phones to streamline support services

Two Indigenous courtesy phones have been installed at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) designed to streamline access for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients to maternity, mental health and hospital liaison services.

Putting a smile back on homeless faces

Disadvantages and homeless adults now have access to free dental care thanks to an innovative oral health partnership. The Priority Access Program, delivered by the University of Queensland (UQ) School of Dentistry and Metro North’s Community and Oral Health Service, is seeing dental screening being provided at community organisations such as the Salvation Army and The Wesley Mission in Brisbane’s inner city.

Planning for wellbeing

Brisbane North PHN Executive Manager Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Paul Martin joined Metro North Mental Health Executive Director Professor Brett Emmerson AM and Queensland Mental Health Commissioner Ivan Frkovic to launch Planning for Wellbeing.

Thongs of Kindness

As part of its annual ‘Kindness in July’ initiative Caboolture and Kilcoy Hospitals set out to collect 250 pairs of thongs to help rural and remote patients access care for the ‘Walk a mile in my thongs’ program.

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