Redcliffe Hospital Staff allied in celebrating success

Redcliffe Hospital recently held its inaugural World Allied Health Professions Day Symposium and Awards.
Staff at Redcliffe Hospital marked World Allied Health Professions Day by coming together for the hospital’s first Allied Health Symposium and Awards.
Director of Allied Health at Redcliffe Hospital, Katrina Dunn said she was excited to showcase the important work the teams do at the hospital.
“Every day, our allied health teams work alongside their medical and nursing colleagues to care for patients,” Katrina said.
“The symposium was an opportunity for us to get together and recognise this work and celebrate our many achievements.”
Katrina said that symposium attendees heard about 14 quality improvements that are taking place in allied health at Redcliffe Hospital.
“The presentations covered all areas of allied health, from innovations in physiotherapy to improving nutrition for ICU patients, and much more,” she said.
“The diversity of topics covered reflects the breadth of work happening at the hospital to make work practices more efficient and improve outcomes for patients.”
The symposium culminated with a series of awards being presented for excellence in allied health across areas including clinical practice, health equity and research.
“The award winners, and those who were highly commended, have all displayed excellence in the way they go about their work,” Katrina said.
“The quality of the nominations speaks to the depth of allied health talent we have working at Redcliffe Hospital.”
Katrina is excited that the symposium become an annual event to recognise the hard work and achievements of allied health staff.
“This year was the first Allied Health Symposium at the hospital, and we’re looking forward to an even bigger and better event next year to celebrate our achievements,” Katrina said.