Message from the Executive Director – Mental Health

2022-04-20T15:10:03+10:0028 February 2022|Mental Health, Facility Messages|

Dr Kathryn Turner, Executive Director, Metro North Mental Health

Thank you for your commitment to caring for our consumers and clients across the weekend and today amidst widespread flooding in Brisbane and surrounds.

We have had a number of community sites impacted and efforts are ongoing to address this to ensure consumers and clients are safe and can access our services. This includes limited community outreach at this time, which we hope to resolve soon.

We play an important role in the community and we’re grateful for our staff who have made it possible to continue caring for those who need us.

Our thoughts are with staff who have been impacted by the flooding. If you are unable to get to work, please alert your line manager ASAP so we can make additional arrangements. If you are able to get to an alternate facility, please be sure to let you line manager know.

Thank you again for your continued efforts.

Stay safe on the roads, allowing extra travel time and ensuring you check your route before departure.


Dr Kathryn Turner
Executive Director
Metro North Mental Health

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