Message from the Executive Director

2022-06-06T09:27:44+10:003 June 2022|CKW, Facility Messages|
Angie Dobbrick

Angie Dobbrick, Executive Director, Caboolture, Kilcoy & Woodford Clinical Directorate

The Metro North Research Excellence Awards were held at Eatons Hill Hotel last night. It was a wonderful night, celebrating what can be achieved when we embed a strong research culture alongside our great patient and family-centered care.

When I attended the same event two years ago, not long after becoming Acting Executive Director, CKW had no finalists. This year I’m very proud to say that we had two outstanding finalists. It’s a remarkable achievement when you consider the calibre of their fellow nominees.

Congratulations to CKW Research Coordinator Dr Thuy Frakking, who was highly commended in the Rising Star Award.

Dr Frakking’s work in the clinical care of children presenting with paediatric feeding disorders and chronic non-complex medical conditions have been internationally recognised in the world’s highest ranked paediatric and adult journals – JAMA Paediatrics and The New England Journal of Medicine – respectively.

Congratulations also to Dr Mahesh Ramanan, who was a finalist in the Research Support Award.

Dr Ramanan is a current Metro North Research Fellowship holder. He is a greatly respected at CKW for creating and generously sharing research opportunities for peers and young researchers despite the pressures of being a frontline clinical staff member.

Read here how Dr Ramanan is transforming the way that clinical trials are conducted by enhancing a computer system that is already available in most Queensland Intensive Care Units (ICUs).

There is a lot of great research projects underway at CKW, which may well be in the running for a Metro North Research Excellence Award next year. I am really looking forward to the 2022 CKW Research Symposium in September to hear more about these projects first-hand.

Also, we should be announcing the successful applicants for the Common Good Research Grants in the coming weeks. I’m really excited about the opportunities and support that this will create for our dedicated researchers!

Send an email to the Research Development Unit (RDU) if you would like to know more about research at CKW.

Help needed for Emergency Department concierge

As part of the response to the surge in respiratory illness presentations, Caboolture Hospital is about to trial a concierge service at the entrance to the Emergency Department (ED) waiting room.

This role will aim to increase awareness of other available health care options and assist people who choose not to wait (especially in the evenings) to arrange some form of next day follow-up.

The ED is currently compiling a collection of resources for the concierge to use: HOT DOC, Health Direct, a list of local respiratory clinics, virtual ED, etc.

They will collate paid and no-out-of-pocket-cost options. Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander specific services , community dental, mental health and social support services are all in scope. Virtual and phone support are also useful.

Some patients will be presenting for non-respiratory problems, but will be caught up in the queue – so all hospital and non-hospital service are of help.

Are you able to assist? Click here to complete the form with information as requested.

Contact if you have any further suggestions of services that you think should be included (or service that you think the ED may not be aware of).

Staff flu vaccinations continue

A reminder that flu vaccinations are available tomorrow (4 June) from 8am-10am, 11am-1pm and 2pm-3.30pm. Phone Ext 8869 to find the mobile location. Don’t forget your staff ID and Medicare card. No vaccinations on Sunday.

New clinical forms coming soon

A state-wide EWARS trial of new Q-ADDS, CEWT and Q_MEWT clinical forms is expected to start soon.  It will affect most areas of Caboolture and Kilcoy hospitals (apart from the Emergency Departments). More details to come.

What a compliment!

A slightly different compliment today from CKW Cleaning Auditor Caroline Austin to Connie, Kaye and the CKW EOC team recently. Caroline has given her ok to reproduce this for all CKW staff:

“I would like to thank Kaye and the entire EOC team for their support to the Operational Support Services staff during the Covid-19 pandemic,” Caroline wrote.

“Whenever we have needed anything or any information, the EOC team has been extremely helpful and informative.

“I personally would like to thank Kaye for her phone calls during my own battle with Covid-19. It was reassuring and comforting to have her call and provided me with information and an empathetic ear.

“Thank you to all of your team. Great work.”

Changes to our response

Metro North Health moved to a Tier 2 COVID-19 response this week.

A refresh to the PPE Guide means staff in many clinical areas now wear a surgical mask. However, some areas – including the Emergency Department and Ward 3B who regularly look after patients with COVID-19, influenza and RSV – continue to wear N95 masks.

Changes to the Hospital Visitors Direction means visitors no longer need to use the Check-in app and show proof of vaccination. Restrictions on the number of visitors allowed per patient has also been removed. However, visitors must wear a flat surgical mask (or N95 mask) while on-site.

After two years, we have removed the concierge desks with volunteers gradually returning to the Volunteer Hut between 7am to 4.30pm weekdays. A very big thank you to everyone who worked as a concierge helping our community during this time.

Congratulations Ben

The permanent recruitment process for the Director of Nursing and Midwifery for Caboolture, Kilcoy and Woodford Directorate was recently completed. I am pleased to announce that Ben Ballard was the successful applicant.

There is much to achieve in the next 12 months and beyond. I look forward to seeing the further development and growth of all the aspects of the nursing and midwifery profession under Ben’s leadership.


I’m looking forward to a new challenge at TPCH, followed by a short break with my family during the school holidays.

Dr Simon Bugden will be acting Executive Director until my return to CKW on Monday 11 July.

Please take care of yourselves and each other and I very much look forward to seeing all of you on my return.

Take Care,


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