Ready, set, move!

2022-04-22T07:08:48+10:0021 March 2022|Caring Together Update|

Planning is underway to move to the new Clinical Services building.

Preparation and teamwork are two key factors that will help make the move to the new Clinical Services building seamless.

Opening the new building requires a highly coordinated effort to ensure Metro North is ready to relocate new and existing services, patients and workforce into the new facility.

That’s where our move coordinators and move forums play a leading role.

Move coordinators are CKW Directorate staff who manage key relocation activities and support their teams to get ready to move. They provide a centralised coordination point between their service lines and the Caboolture Hospital Redevelopment Project (CHRP) team.

Move coordinators lead and coordinate the activities set-out in the move action plans. The action plans contain information on what activities are required to ready their environment, their teams and their patients for the move.

They also play an important role in motivating their teams to prioritise move related activities and over time, develop a detailed understanding of the new facility and their new work environment.

Move coordinators are provided key information and messaging to ensure they can keep their teams informed throughout the operational commissioning phase.

The initial commitment for a move coordinator is one hour per week. However, the time commitment increases as the project ramps up.

The CHRP team has started seeking nominations from service line leads, so if you’re interested in becoming a move coordinator, please talk to your line manager.

Move forums are a monthly meeting that focus on supporting move coordinators to prepare for the relocation and bring new services into operation.

The CHRP team facilitate the move forums and use the time to support move coordinators throughout the move process, providing them with strategies, tools and information to guide move management logistics. Move forums are open to all staff and are an excellent opportunity to learn about the move process that the hospital will undergo as it prepares to safely transition patients, systems, services and staff into the new building.

Be sure to check out the updated CHRP website and the latest fact sheet and the CHRP notice boards on display in staff areas.

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