Pre-hospital pathway improving heart attack outcomes

2024-06-21T07:42:37+10:0012 June 2024|

Clinicians at The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH) have identified that reducing the time delay from diagnosis to in-hospital treatment can significantly improve a heart attack patient’s outcome.

RIPE program embeds strong research culture

2022-08-29T16:17:27+10:0024 May 2022|

The Research in Practice (RIPE) program was developed to address a gap in research skills and experience among the prevocational doctor workforce at Caboolture Hospital.

Mini-brains set to revolutionise epilepsy treatment

2022-08-29T16:17:38+10:0019 April 2022|

Researchers at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) and the University of Queensland (UQ) are trialling a new technology which is set to help epilepsy patients find the best treatment for their condition sooner.

Family therapy for adults with eating disorders

2020-03-11T12:44:51+10:005 March 2020|

Family-based therapy is an important element in treating adolescents with eating disorders, but there is not a lot of literature on the benefits for adults receiving treatment. #ThinkyThursday

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