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Kidney Supportive Care Symposium 2019

Kidney Supportive Care Symposium is an opportunity to hear from a leading International speaker and to learn about developments in Kidney Research and Supportive Care.

This Symposium is open to academics and clinicians including medical, nursing and allied health professions from:

  • Kidney health services
  • Palliative and supportive care
  • Aged care
  • Chronic disease teams
  • Health planners and policy makers

Professor Sara DavisonKeynote speaker – Professor Sara Davison, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry,

Professor Sara Davison is a bioethicist and health outcomes researcher.University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

She is a nephrologist with the Northern Alberta Renal Program. Recognised internationally as a leader in Kidney Supportive/Palliative Care and is Director of the Kidney Supportive Care Research Group.

Her program of research focuses on the many aspects of quality supportive/palliative care for patients with advanced kidney failure.

Poster Presentation

If you would like to display a relevant poster at the Kidney Supportive Care Symposium please contact the organising committee with a synopsis of your poster to request approval.

Please email: kscsymp@health.qld.gov.au


Early Bird Registration, $120 per person including GST: closes 31 January 2019

Standard Registration, $150 including GST: 1 February to 31 March 2019
Your registration includes morning tea and lunch.

Please note your receipt may show the register’s name and not the delegates name. Your facility name will be listed on the receipt which can be used to submit a personal expense claim form.


If you are interested in hosting a trade display at this event, please contact the Events office on 36461525 or email kscsymp@health.qld.gov.au to receive an application form.

Getting to the conference

There is a range of parking and transport options at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.

5 April 2019

Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
Education Centre
Butterfield Street
Herston, QLD 4029


Phone: (07) 3646 1525
Email: MetroNorth-events@health.qld.gov.au

Gold Sponsor


Bronze Sponsors

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