Hello! Our co-design framework is new.
We would love to get your feedback and suggestions for improvement.
If you are happy for us to contact you to get feedback, please enter your email address below.
For more information on how we store and use email addresses, please see our privacy statement.
You can provide comments and feedback to us:
Get involved
We are also keen to hear from you if you are interested in becoming involved in improving the service and planning our future direction.
The Alcohol and Drug Service has a Client Advisory Committee that meets on a monthly basis. This Committee has been developed as a way for clients and significant others to actively participate in, and contribute to, the review and development of the Alcohol and Drug Service. It is a way for client and significant others voices and perspectives to be included in decisions which are made regarding the improvement of services.
Email: feedback-mnmhads@health.qld.gov.au or phone (07) 3837 5766.
If you need to raise a significant concern or make a complaint:
Operations Director
Metro North Mental Health – Alcohol and Drug Service
GPO Box 8161
If you have made a complaint and you do not feel this has been resolved to your satisfaction, please contact the Office of the Health Ombudsman.
Contact us
Phone: (07) 3837 5766
Email: feedback-mnmhads@health.qld.gov.au