
The Jamieson Trauma Institute Breakfast Symposium

A unique approach to managing challenging wounds

When: Friday 17th May 2019 from 7 -8am
Venue: Seminar Room, Education Centre, Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital
Breakfast provided

CSIRO’s research into polymer technology resulted in the development of a biocompatible, bioabsorbable polyurethane named NovoSorb®.   Through collaboration between PolyNovo and Prof John Greenwood (Burns Surgeon) and his team at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, a unique, synthetic, biodegradable temporising matrix (NovoSorb® BTM) was born.  This game changing technology is clinically proven to improve cosmetic and functional outcomes in acute burns, reconstruction of burn, traumatic injuries with involving exposed tendons and bones, soft tissue necrotising infection as well as surgically created wounds.

During the breakfast seminar, Dr Jason Brown and Dr Nicholas Solanki will present this unique approach and their experience followed by an open discussion.


Enquiries: Crystal Brouwers Jamieson Trauma Institute

2019-04-02T12:43:45+10:001 April 2019|
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