Allied Health Research Symposium
Metro North Health and Metro South Health are delighted to jointly offer biennial Research Symposia to showcase and promote high quality allied health-led research initiatives. The Symposia are free events, accessible in-person or online, to facilitate the ongoing professional development of allied health clinicians across the State and facilitate the adoption of evidence-based practice. Symposia are supported by generous Sponsors. The next Symposium will be held in 2025.
Theme: THRIVE – Transforming Healthcare through Research, InnoVation and Excellence
ePoster access is password protected and restricted to Symposium registrants. For access queries, please contact
Plenary Speakers
Prof Joshua Byrnes
Prof. Byrnes is the Director for the Centre for Applied Health Economics in the School of Medciine and Dentistry at Griffith University. His research expertise centres on the design and analysis of studies for the purpose of measuring and demonstrating value in health. Working across government and public health policy, health care services and models of care, and technologies; collaborating with clinical researchers. To date he has published over 150 journal articles, including publications in leading journals across disciplines including: Health Economics, New England Journal of Medicine, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Value in Health and Health Services Research. He is a chief investigator on NHMRC and MRFF grants, as well as numerous commercial and government contracted research projects. He has had significant impact and influence on policy, practice and funding decisions in the Australian health system including national initiatives regarding: plain packaging tobacco legislation, pregnancy warning labels on alcohol, and opt-out arrangements for the MyHealth Record. He is passionate about generating and disseminating health economic insights and to work with others to create improvement.
Dr Daniel Roitman
Daniel commenced as the Deputy Chief Allied Health Officer in April this year to further increase Commonwealth engagement with the allied health sector. Daniel is a practicing pharmacist with a Masters in Public Health and is currently completing a PhD in global health at the University of Melbourne. He has worked for Commonwealth and state governments and most recently held an executive role in the Victorian government COVID-19 Policy and Strategy Branch. Daniel is passionate about finding the balance between patient-level interactions and system reform.
Dr Brent Richards
Adjunct Professor Brent Richards is an Intensive Care Specialist, Medical Director of Research Commercialisation and Professor of Critical Care Research at Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service, and Chair of the Advisory Board of the Queensland AI Hub. Previous roles have included: Director of ICU (15 years); Executive Director of Surgery; Chair of the State Intensive Care Network; and Medical Director of Innovation.
Brent is working on ways to expand, understand and interrogate the growing static and streaming Healthcare Data for continuously growing clinical understanding, business KPIs and research discovery. Particularly focussing on AI-enabling technologies, he is working collaboratively with Industry, Government and Universities to unlock the positive disruptive potential that AI can bring to Healthcare, continuously improving both patient and system outcomes. To this end, Brent has helped establish a large multi-centre ICU-centric clinical and medical IoT data platform for research discovery and algorithm development, and is helping a number of researchers work on AI-enabled projects across many aspects of the patient journey. In addition, recognising the increasing need for rapid innovation in Healthcare, he has also helped initiate a Clinician Entrepreneurship course
jointly between the GCHHS and Griffith University.
Invited Speakers
A/Prof Neil Cottrell
Director, Interprofessional Education, Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences, The University of Queensland
Angela Wood
Allied Health Workforce Development Officer, Metro South Hospital and Health Service
Dr Karina O’Leary
Conjoint Fellow Interprofessional Practice & Education, Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS) Education and Research Alliance
Dr Scott Jones
Senior Radiation Therapist
Radiation Oncology
Princess Alexandra Hospital
Ms Christine Petrie
Manager, Consumer and Community Engagement Metro North Health
Ms Jodie Nixon
Manager, Consumer Partnering Metro South Health
Ms Julia Robertson
Research Assistant, Summer Foundation
Hopkins Centre Ambassador
Consumer Representative for: Communication for Safe Care (Advisory Network, NSW Health), Centre for Online Health (Telehealth Group, UQ), Professional Innovators and Leaders in Occupational Therapy (PILOT) Research Collaborative (Metro South Health), Partnering in Research Allied Health & Consumer Collaboratory (PRACC, Metro South Health), BRAINS Stakehoilder Advisory Committee (MRFF funded project), and Social-ABI-lity (University of Sydney)
Registrations for in-person or online attendance are now open.
THRIVE Allied Health Clinician Researcher Collaboration Grant
In 2023, we are delighted to offer one collaboration grant valued at $6000, as part of the 2023 Allied Health Research Symposium “THRIVE”. The objective of this grant is to support an allied health-led research project/initiative that will strengthen collaborations between Metro South and Metro North allied health professionals to enhance patient care or health service outcomes.
Applications close midnight 30th June 2023.
The successful grant recipient will announced at the conclusion of the Symposium on 2nd August.
Past Symposiums
2nd August 2023
Time: 8:30am to 3:30pm
Venue: In-person and Online event
Contact us
Email: AHResearchSymposium
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Workshop Sponsor

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