
Caboolture Hospital review

Please attribute the following to Metro North Health Chief Executive Jackie Hanson:

Metro North will commence a patient review from Monday 3 July into the care of ‘baby Jarrod’. The clinical review will be undertaken by the Chief Medical Officer with the purpose to provide an independent assessment of the care and support provided to the infant and family.  

Metro North Health will also develop terms of reference to undertake a broader review by external paediatric specialists into care pathways for children and babies attending Caboolture Hospital emergency department.

The review will provide an independent assessment, as well as identifying effective processes and the need for possible improvements.

Outcomes and findings from the review will inform processes and actions in line with our new Caboolture Hospital emergency department, which will open later in 2023.

2023-07-03T11:37:11+10:003 July 2023|
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