Pictured L–R by full name and title: Annie Hemms, Clinical Project Lead, Brisbane North Health Alliance, Libby Dunstan, Chief Executive Officer, Brisbane North PHN, Dr Jayne Ingham, GP, Capestone Village Family Practice, their patient and consumer advocate Lorraine, Rachel Milnes, Practice Manager, Tracey Johnson, Complex Care Coordinator, Vivienne Hassed, Executive Director, Office of the Chief Executive and Communications, Metro North Hospital and Health Service, and Rohie Marshall, Project Lead, Brisbane North Health Alliance officially launch the Care Collective – Redcliffe program at Capestone Village Family Practice.
Redcliffe consumers to benefit from new approach to complex care coordination
Care Collective launches in the Redcliffe region
Following a successful pilot in the Caboolture region and the subsequent securing of additional funding through the Queensland Health Reform Office and the Commonwealth Primary Care Pilots Program, the Health Alliance Care Collective program has now expanded to the Redcliffe region.
The Health Alliance represents the unique, cornerstone partnership between Brisbane North PHN and Metro North Health, working strategically to break down barriers in healthcare for communities across the North Brisbane and Moreton Bay region.
A key initiative of the Alliance is the Care Collective, which supports people living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), congestive heart failure (CHF) and conditions leading to emergency department
(ED) presentations for debility (e.g. dementia, frailty, and falls) to access more holistic and patient-centred care.
By integrating and enhancing existing Health and Hospital Service (HHS) and Primary Health Network (PHN) pathways with new proactive, nurse-led care coordination roles in general practice, the program can help to
lower unnecessary health service usage and support better health outcomes for clients with these conditions.

Complex Care Coordinator (CCC), Tracey, is looking forward to providing more patient-centred and dedicated support to Capestone Village Family Practice patients like Lorraine.
Nine general practices in the Redcliffe region have registered to participate in the program – seven commenced service in December 2023, with the remaining two practices scheduled to commence in February.
Capestone Village Family Practice at Mango Hill joined the Collective in December after seeing
an opportunity to expand their practice nurse capacity and improve the care coordination of
their patients with chronic health conditions.
Key stakeholders, including Brisbane North PHN CEO Libby Dunstan and Metro North Health Executive Director Vivienne Hassed, visited the multidisciplinary general practice last week to officially launch the program in the region and meet the GPs and nurses who will be involved in its execution.
“Metro North Health is proud to be working alongside Brisbane North PHN through the Health Alliance to support practices like Capestone Village Family Practice. Visiting the practice and hearing how the Care Collective program is benefiting patients like Lorraine, reinforced Metro North Health’s commitment to continue to support capacity building of general practices in the region,” said Ms Hassed.
Capestone Village Family Practice’s general practitioner owners Dr Jayne Ingham, Dr Rebecca Tattersall and Dr Megan Appleton are committed to delivering on the practice’s motto of Better Health Care is Our Promise. The practice’s eight GPs, four nurses and six reception staff look after the primary healthcare needs of over 8,000
people in their local area.

PHN Project Lead Rohie Marshall, Dr Jayne Ingham | GP, Tracey Johnson | CCC, PHN CEO Libby Dunstan, PHN Clinical Project Lead Annie Hemms and Metro North Health Executive Director Vivienne Hassed visit Capestone Village Family Practice to officially launch the Care Collective program in the Redcliffe region.
The Care Collective specifically enables capacity building in general practice by funding the upskilling of practice nurses to Complex Care Coordinators (CCCs), able to support clients with chronic health conditions at no additional cost to the consumer.
Tracey Johnson, Capestone’s dedicated Complex Care Coordinator, said she was looking forward to spending more time with their patients.
“General practice is not currently adequately funded to coordinate complex care conditions for patients. The Care Collective program provides an opportunity for Tracey to spend time ringing services and coordinating care options for the patients of our practice who need it most,” said Dr Ingham.
“The Health Alliance recognises the critical role general practice can play in reducing the impact of unnecessary presentations at local emergency departments. The Care Collective is building the capacity of general practices to increase the coordination of care for patients of their practice with chronic health conditions. We are delighted to have Capestone participating in the Care Collective program,” said Ms Dunstan at the launch.
For more information about the Health Alliance and the Care Collective program please visit: https://healthalliance.org.au/.
About The Health Alliance
The Health Alliance was established between Metro North Health and Brisbane North PHN in 2017 with a vision for the community as one where people experience an integrated system of care that delivers quality health outcomes closer to home.
We take a joint approach to governance and decision-making through a Joint Board Committee and work strategically to break down barriers in healthcare in Brisbane’s north and across the Moreton Bay region by providing a platform for health innovation, where patient-centred ideas and initiatives are developed, tested, and evaluated. We use our influence to expand opportunities for healthcare improvement, whether through policy change or funding and support.