
Independent review into the mental health adult inpatient unit at The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH.)

Metro North Health has announced an independent Part 9 service review into the mental health adult inpatient unit at The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH.)

The review has been commissioned by Metro North Health and the external panel of five will be led independently of Metro North Health by a clinical expert, who will look at possible further improvements to the unit to ensure greater robust care measures to protect vulnerable inpatients in times of crisis.

Tragically, some patients have passed away while in the care of the unit, necessitating a review into what can be done better.

Metro North Health offers its most sincere condolences to the loved ones of those affected and remains in contact with the families impacted with a commitment to mitigate instances of this occurring through the review process and its findings.

The Prince Charles Hospital mental health inpatient unit has increasingly seen higher acuity patients requiring longer stays at its facility, impacting existing resources and workforce.

While continued investment in mental health inpatient care, including models of care, emergency crisis response care, has been a leading priority for The Prince Charles Hospital and Metro North Health – demand has moved faster than infrastructure, recruitment and investment in the sector can.

Metro North Health is aware that mental health demand has outstripped population growth with post-pandemic demand for crisis and suicidal presentations to Emergency Departments much higher than pre-pandemic.

This, compounded with financial stressors and limitations to access private care and psychiatry sees Metro North Health services busier than ever with acute mental health presentations.

In September, a new Crisis Stabilisation Facility will open at The Prince Charles Hospital increasing short-stay capacity for those in mental health crisis, while concurrently additional planning and enhancements are occurring at the frontline.

The review is set to conclude mid-2024 with findings to be released following the report.

Metro North Health is committed to the review and its findings to continually improve and provide the best possible care for its mental health patients and the community.

2024-05-15T16:19:48+10:0015 May 2024|
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