
Consumer representatives

Redcliffe Hospital strongly believes in patients, their carers and staff working together to continuously improve services.

Partner with us to make a difference

We are seeking current or past patients of Queensland Health who are interested in helping design and deliver better hospital services. You may also be a family member or a carer of a patient who has or is using our health service. By applying to be a consumer representative, you can provide advice and participate in improvements and plans for future service development. You can play a vital role in healthcare decision-making by sharing your unique experiences and providing a consumer perspective.


We have developed a training program to support new consumer representatives and offer professional development opportunities. More information will be provided on commencement of your role or you can call (07) 3883 7728.

Meet one of our consumer representatives

Wendy Callaghan, Redcliffe Hospital Consumer Representative

Why I became a consumer representative

As a consumer who requires ongoing support, I felt driven to be of assistance to others and strive to play my part in helping to improve outcomes for consumers.  The support and guidance I have received from Redcliffe Hospital needs to be acknowledged and being a voice for others in my boat will hopefully assist with delivery and improvement to services for all.” Wendy Callaghan, Redcliffe Hospital Consumer Representative