Home support

In the early days following birth, we offer you, your baby and family ongoing care and education.

A midwife will call you within 2-3 days after being discharged from hospital, to see how you and your baby are progressing.  Midwives offer one-to-one care providing education and help with feeding and parenting. We can help with:

  • routine postnatal checks for mother and baby
  • support and assistance with breastfeeding
  • baby care education – such as feeding management, settling techniques and safety advice
  • referrals to relevant community groups as needed.

Women are encouraged to take their baby to their GP for a check-up 5-10 days post-birth and again at 6 weeks

Your private midwife or Maternity Group Practice Amity Midwife will follow up at home and have their own home visiting regimes.

Early feeding and support drop-in clinics

Early feeding and support drop-in clinics are offered. Child health nurses provide help, support and advice with:

  • infant feeding and sleep
  • breastfeeding support, assistance and helpful advice
  • referral to other support services for specific needs.

To find your nearest drop-in clinic call 1300 366 039 or visit the child health service website.

For further support call 13 HEALTH (13 432 584), a 24 hours, 7 days or call the Breastfeeding helpline  on 1800 686 268.

Contact us

Home Materntiy Service
Phone: (07)  3883 7709
Open: Daily

Breastfeeding helpline
Phone: 1800 686 268

Feeding drop-in clinic
Phone: 1300 366 039