Tests and scans

Your doctor or midwife will talk to you about the routine tests needed during your pregnancy. These tests will check your health, your baby’s growth and identify any possible problems. Check-ups may include ultrasound scans, pap smear test, breast check and blood tests.

Ultrasound scan

Your doctor or midwife will let you know when you need an ultrasound and refer you to a service. An ultrasound is a safe way to create an image of your developing baby. There may be a cost involved depending on where you go but some places bulk bill through Medicare.

Below is a list of common ultrasounds carried out in a normal, low-risk pregnancy. This list is also in your Pregnancy Health Record.

8-9 weeks | Dating scan

A dating scan is an optional early ultrasound to confirm your due date. This test can provide reassurance and is helpful if you don’t know the date of your last menstrual period. Your GP is responsible for organising this test for you.

11-13 weeks | First trimester screening test

At 11-13 weeks, a nuchal translucency scan and blood test is offered to calculate the risk of having a baby with Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities. There may be a cost involved for this ultrasound as Medicare needs a clinical reason in order to bulk bill. Your GP is responsible for organising this test for you.

18-20 weeks | Morphology scan

A morphology scan is an important ultrasound to check that your baby is developing normally. This will be discussed further at your first hospital appointment.

Contact us

Location: Antenatal Clinic, Redcliffe Hospital
Phone: (07) 3883 7802