Message from the Board Chair

2022-05-09T12:19:48+10:003 May 2022|Board, Executive Messages|
Jim McGowan AM, Board Chair

Jim McGowan AM, Board Chair

The Metro North Board met on Tuesday 26 April. As I have indicated many times, the recovery after we are over the scourge of COVID will require all hospitals and health services to investigate new ways of doing things, new models of care and effectively utilising the new technologies. Metro North capacity to meet these new challenges is evidenced by the number of innovative practices that are already embedded in our health service.

Professor Owen Ung presented to the Board on work of the Comprehensive Beast Cancer Institute. In a world-leading approach, the Institute is connecting innovative technologies to dramatically reduce the processes and providing clear pathways for women with breast cancer. This will include the first human trials of new technologies in collaboration with the Herston Biofabrication Institute, universities, and industry partners.

Professor Michael O’Sullivan and acting Executive Director of Clinical Services Associate Professor Glen Kennedy provided a comprehensive update on RBWH and Herston Campus research. Of particular interest was the breadth of the research agenda with nearly 300 active clinical trials and the large number of collaborations with other hospitals, universities and other health research organisations, and private organisations with an interest in health innovation and research.

Metro North is well placed to continue to be a leader in clinical innovation and research. This is a responsibility which we must all safeguard.

Mel Fox, CEO Health Consumers Queensland, stressed the ongoing of importance of engaging with patients and other health care consumers at all levels within the Metro North sphere. This necessitates a genuine commitment to engage with patients about their health journey at one level to engagement with Heath Consumers Queensland around broader health reform and policy.

By the time of my next communication, we will know the outcome of the Federal election. I am looking for commitments about mental health, particularly for greater investment in community based mental health services, including short stay options. We know that a significant contributor to the pressures on our hospitals relates to presentations for mental health reasons. We also know that for many of the presentations our hospitals may not be the best option but without other accessible pathways, many consumers are left with no other viable alternatives.

Some quotes to ponder.

All investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Benjamin Franklin ((1706-1790), One of founders of the American State) (I have borrowed this one from Professor Michael O’Sullivan’s presentation to the Board!)

It’s easy to come up with new ideas; the hard part is letting go of what worked for you two years ago, but will soon be out-of-date.” Roger von Oech ((Born 1948), American author about creativity.

Kind regards,

Jim McGowan AM, Board Chair

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