
Fluoridation – General Information About Oral Health Care

Benefits of fluoride

Fluoride is a natural mineral that helps to make your teeth strong.  It can help to prevent tooth decay.  Fluoride has 3 main benefits for your teeth

  • It can reduce the ability of bad bacteria to produce acid
  • It can help put good minerals back into your teeth
  • Fluoride can strengthen the enamel (the outer shell) of your teeth even before it erupts into your mouth.

Along with a combination of a healthy diet, good oral hygiene, use of fluoride toothpaste and regular dental check-ups, water fluoridation is an effective strategy to prevent tooth decay.

Scientific evidence supports fluoride is safe and effective to protect teeth.

Fluoride fights decay in three ways

Image is from  Queensland Health (1996-2020), Oral Health, ‘Water Fluoridation’, https://www.health.qld.gov.au/oralhealth/water_fluoridation

All Brisbane residents have access to fluoridated water, unless you are solely reliant on tank water for drinking and general water usage. Speak with your dental practitioner about additional ways you can protect your teeth against decay.

Three ways to have fluoride

  1. A regular fluoride-containing toothpaste
  2. Tap water: most Queenslanders can access fluoridated tap water
  3. Topical fluoride varnish applied by an oral health professional

Reference: National Oral Health Promotion Clearinghouse and Australian Research Centre for Population Oral Health (2020), ‘Guidelines for use of fluorides in Australia: update 2019’, Australian Dental Journal, vol 0., p.1-9, doi: 10.1111/adj.12742

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