
New community mental health centre open in Spring Hill

The new community mental health centre is located at 121 Wharf Street, Spring Hill.

Metro North Mental Health community services in the RBWH catchment have relocated to a new Spring Hill-based centre, providing streamlined multidisciplinary care for consumers through a single location.

The move has seen 180 mental health clinicians and staff move to the Wharf Street location between April and July, with co-location of services and modern, fresh treatment spaces for consumers comprising just some of the benefits.

Over the past five years, community mental health services based at RBWH and nearby surrounds have seen increasing service demand, as evidenced by a growing workforce and subsequently growing need for additional space.

Community services which provide outpatient, community and mobile outreach services have seen the highest growth in demand in the last decade signifying a need for a larger space.

Metro North Mental Health Executive Director Dr Kathryn Turner said the new space was proving popular with staff and patients alike.

“We are so excited to have our mental health specialists co-located in this new centre, allowing for knowledge-sharing and an even more multidisciplinary approach to consumer care,” Dr Turner said.

“For our consumers, this means one central location where both adults and older people can access community mental health services, improving efficiency and flow of the consumer journey and allowing for continued projected growth on these services.

“While the modern space is a welcome addition for consumers and staff – we are also excited by the ability to maximise our workforce with the co-location of services, ensuring a shared area for extended hours mental health teams to meet emergent demand with existing resources.”

The new community mental health centre is located at 121 Wharf Street, Spring Hill.

2024-07-23T13:23:33+10:0022 July 2024|
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