News archive2023-11-16T09:22:59+10:00

News archive

Pride in Metro North launch

Pride in Metro North Executive Sponsor Grant Carey-Ide welcomes the Pride in Metro North initiative and the support it will provide to the Metro North LGBTQIA+ community.

28 March 2024|

Inclusive approach brings out the best

Michelle is neurodiverse and celebrates her Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) as her superpower. It often is. However, traditional job interviews have long been her kryptonite.

15 March 2024|

Beat the heat with what you eat

When it’s hot, we feel less hungry, but research tells us that our body’s hunger hormones and signals don’t change, so it’s important to still eat in the heat.

6 February 2024|

Media enquiries

Office hours: 8.00am-5.00pm
Phone: (07) 3647 9522

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