
Cultural Connection – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

Cultural Connection - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander HealthCaboolture, Kilcoy Hospitals and Woodford Corrections Health Service (CKW’s) is committed to closing the gap and building strong, two-way relationships with the local Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

To show this commitment the CKW Cultural Group made up of staff, including the Indigenous Health Liaison Officers, medical officers, nurses, admin, and patient services has delivered a range of hospital and community-based initiatives over the last 12 months that include:

  • National Sorry Day 2020 – ceremony with guest speaker Uncle Alan Parsons, a member of the Stolen Generation, and morning tea
  • NAIDOC Week 2020 events – opening ceremony, music in the courtyard at Caboolture and Kilcoy, basket weaving
  • National Sorry Day 2021 – ceremony with guest speaker Uncle Alan Parsons, a member of the Stolen Generation
  • Reconciliation Week 2021 – All staff BBQ at Caboolture, Medical and Nursing Grand Rounds presentations, Kilcoy Hospital cultural session, Torres Strait Islander dance group
  • Caboolture Hospital Indigenous Touch Footy Carnival 2021.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers have been key partners in the group and have worked collaboratively to develop activities. Aunty Sandra Blackman is on the CKW Indigenous Health Committee and Elders were consulted on each activity, with their advice and direction guiding the group’s activities. No activity is undertaken without their guidance.

David Payne, Operational Services Coordinator for Kilcoy Hospital, said the NAIDOC Week 2020 opening ceremony celebration was much-loved by the community and patients alike:

“Some of the patients had not been out of their room since they arrived and there were lots of compliments from them about the day. Traditional music was performed, and basket weaving workshops held at both Caboolture and Kilcoy’s Hospitals. It was a super day! We had eleven patients in the courtyard having their lunch and enjoying Kevin’s music, Elwyn’s digeridoo and Uncle Alan’s yarns.”

Uncle Alan Parsons is another Elder who has been extremely supportive and influential in guiding staff engagement, particularly around significant dates. As a member of the Stolen Generation, Uncle Alan has shared his story and yarned with staff multiple times, really expressing the importance of collaboration.

The program aims to deliver on this aspiration, fostering and nurturing strong relationships with local community Elders and members.

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