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Flood health and safety Learn more
Frequently asked questions2024-05-02T13:06:06+10:00

Frequently asked questions

Most services provided by the Alcohol and Drug Service (such as counselling, seeing doctors and nurses for withdrawal management and opioid dependence treatment) are free of charge. However, there are fees associated with the administration of medication at your community pharmacy for people accessing Opioid Dependence Treatment. Some injecting equipment has a small fee.

To access public health services, you need a Medicare Card, and we ask that you bring this along with you to your first appointment. If you do not have a Medicare Card, please discuss with our staff and we will explore what options are available for you.

Wait times can vary depending on the treatment type that are you wanting (e.g. opioid dependence treatment or counselling). We try to see new clients within a week.

Yes, you get to set your own goals when attending the Alcohol and Drug Service. We work from a harm reduction approach, meaning we work with you to set your own goals – be that abstinence, controlling/reducing use or using in safer ways.


No, we do not report people’s substance using behaviours to the police.

Where you have provided written consent for the Alcohol and Drug Service to share information with specific people or organisations, we will do so.

We can share information with your General Practitioner and Qld Health Alcohol and Other Drug Services to support your shared care.

There may be some circumstances where we are required to share information about your treatment e.g., where we are directed to by a court order, or if you or someone else is at risk of harm.  We will try to talk to you about this prior to sharing any information.

Each time you visit us, information is recorded in your electronic client file in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 for the purpose of providing your health care. This can be accessed by Queensland Health Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug Services and General Practitioners.

Yes, you can access different treatment at the same time e.g., withdrawal management and counselling. The teams will work together to provide you with coordinated care.

Yes, you are welcome back. We acknowledge that this happens from time to time, and we just ask that if you know in advance that you cannot attend, that you call us so we can offer the appointment to someone else.

A slip up or relapse can occur when making changes to your substance use. If this happens, please come back and talk to us about it, and we can discuss how we can continue to support you in the changes that you are wanting to make.

Yes, all treatments and services provided by the Alcohol and Drug Service are voluntary and no one can be forced to attend the Alcohol and Drug Service.

Anyone who is experiencing dependence on alcohol and/or drugs and is willing to engage and work towards their treatment goals, is eligible for treatment with the Alcohol and Drug Service.

If you feel that you would benefit from seeing an alternative worker when accessing treatment provided by the Alcohol and Drug Service, please speak to staff about this this. If you feel that you cannot speak with staff, you can also make contact with the Nurse Unit Manager or Team Leader to discuss further.

Contact us

1800 177 833 

Please provide feedback on the services that you have received from the Alcohol and Drug Service.

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