Other Services2024-05-03T14:09:24+10:00

Other Services

Consultation Liaison Services

For inpatient wards of Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, The Prince Charles Hospital, Redcliffe Hospital and Caboolture Hospital Clinical Nurse Consultants are available for patients with alcohol and drug use problems complicating physical and/or mental health admissions.

For Brisbane City Watch House, a Clinical Nurse Consultant assists the Queensland Police Service in the management of people in custody who have been identified to have alcohol or other drug issues during normal office hours.

Drug and Alcohol Brief Intervention Team (DABIT)

For emergency departments of Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, The Prince Charles Hospital, Redcliffe Hospital and Caboolture Hospital DABIT Clinical Nurses are available for patients who may need of alcohol and drug assessment and treatment whilst in the ED, if admitted to hospital or post discharge.

Contact us

1800 177 833 

Please provide feedback on the services that you have received from the Alcohol and Drug Service.

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