Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Hub2025-02-06T10:51:08+10:00

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Hub is a new space offered at Caboolture, Kallangur, and Bribie Island Satellite Health Centres.

Services provided in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Hub include the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service, Ngarrama Maternal Health Service and Perinatal Mental Health Service.

About the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Services provides a culturally safe space for health services to conduct assessments and improve access to care closer to home for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and their immediate family.

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Service will be supported by an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Nurse Navigator, Health Worker, and both male and female Community Engagement Officers.

The Nurse Navigator Service is a referral and linkage service to connect tertiary, primary and community health networks to the needs of the patient. This patient centred teamwork approach forms and develops an effective team that delivers exceptional care to patients.

Other services provided in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Hub include:

Who is eligible to access these services?

People of all ages who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin and to their immediate families (including babies, children, and non-Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander partners,) who reside within the Metro North Health region (north of Brisbane River to Kilcoy).

Referral process

  • Self-referral (drop-in or appointment)
  • Clinicians can refer via phone or email
  • GPs – Smart referrals


Caboolture, Kallangur and Bribie Island Satellite Health Centres

Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.00am – 4:30 pm
Ngarrama maternal health service and perinatal mental health will provide scheduled days at each satellite health centre with a mix of scheduled appointments and a ‘drop-in’ clinic.
Appointments: Accepts referrals and walk-ins

Co-naming of the Metro North Satellite Health Centres

Caboolture, Kallangur, and Bribie Island Satellite Health Centres have all been proudly co-named in consultation with the Kabi Kabi Traditional Owners as part of the Queensland Government’s ongoing commitment to recognising Queensland’s shared history with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Caboolture Satellite Health Centre (Kabul)

Caboolture Satellite Hospital (Kabul)

The name ‘Kabulture’ meaning place of the carpet snake in Turrbal dialect. ‘Kabul’ –  meaning carpet snake, ‘ture’ – meaning place of.

Kallangur Satellite Health Centre (Kalangoor)

Kallangur Satellite Hospital (Kalangoor)

The name Kalangoor originates from the Kabi Kabi – Undambi dialect ‘Kalangoor’ meaning a goodly or satisfactory place.

Bribie Island Satellite Health Centre (Yarun)

Bribie Island Satellite Hospital (Yarun)

The name Yarun originates from the Kabi Kabi and Djoondoburri people – Oondoo dialect ‘Yarun’ meaning crab or hunting ground.

More information

Caboolture Satellite Health Centre (Nurse Navigator)
Phone: (07) 5433 7563
Email: CabSat_A_TSI_HealthServices

Kallangur Satellite Health Centre (Nurse Navigator)
Phone: (07) 3285 0059
Email: KSH_FacilitySupport@health.qld.gov.au

Ngarrama Maternity Care
Aboriginal Health Worker
Phone: 0447 30 7411

Perinatal Mental Health Services
Phone: (07) 3146 2525

Traditional Owner artwork

Through the development process of the new satellite hospitals, local Traditional Owner artists were engaged to create beautiful artwork telling the story of the local areas and healthcare journeys on which the facilities are located.

Each satellite hospital displays their own dedicated artwork throughout the building structure to provide a culturally welcoming environment upon entry and navigation through the facilities health services

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