Launch of the Precious Wings Adolescent and Young Adult Legacy Box

Adolescents and young adults facing a terminal diagnosis of cancer at RBWH will now receive a Precious Wings Legacy Box.
The Queensland Youth Cancer Service team (QYCS), in partnership with Precious Wings, has recently launched the new Precious Wings Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Legacy Boxes.
Co-designed with QYCS social workers and Queensland Youth Cancer Service Youth Advisory Group, the Precious Wings Legacy Box is specifically for an adolescent and young adult cohort facing a terminal diagnosis of cancer. Being piloted through the QYCS social workers across the state, the Legacy Boxes will be gifted to young people to support difficult conversations and prepare for end of life.
The AYA Legacy Boxes were delivered late last year to RBWH and QYCS Partner sites (QCH, PAH, GCUH and TUH).
Katie, the Statewide Program Director of QYCS said the boxes help terminal patients leave a legacy for loved ones, on their terms.
“The box includes memory making items, such as a video book that young people can record messages on,” Katie said.
“They also include things like two identical teddies, one to go with the child and one for the family to keep, a beautiful bag to place a lock of their hair, seeds to be planted in remembrance of their child and more.”
In the future, Precious Wings hopes to offer legacy boxes to support young people facing a terminal diagnosis of any medical condition.