5th Annual Cancer Preceptorship for General Practitioners
RBWH is the largest Cancer Care service in Queensland. Our experienced doctors provide world class treatment & clinical trials, backed by a team of nurses and allied health to deliver patient centred social emotional and supportive care. Outstanding care – That’s just what we do.
Associate Professor Melissa Eastgate together with esteemed colleagues invite you to attend the cancer preceptorship GP education day. The program overleaf outlines plenary speakers, workstations and radiation oncology unit tour.
We want to partner with you to provide GREAT care, to your patients, at one of their toughest times.
Melanoma – treatment update
Associate Professor Melissa Eastgate | Associate Professor David Wyld
Bone Metastases – treatment and complications
Associate Professor Benjamin Chua
24th July 2021
Time: 8.30am for a 9.00am start
Venue: Online
Contact us
Elaine Chilcott
E: Med_Onc_Secretary
P: (07) 3646 7983