Transforming consumer and community involvement in research
A new research project aims to highlight the importance of consumer partnerships in research by ensuring they are genuine and impactful.

Dr Lisa Anemaat is working to enhance consumer engagement in research
Metro North values the involvement of people who have accessed or may need to access health services, to improve experiences, quality of care and health outcomes.
Partnering with consumers is considered an essential component in delivering person-centred care and is one of the eight National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards for the accreditation of hospitals and health facilities.
Despite the recognised benefits of partnering with consumers, some consumer partnerships can seem tokenistic, leaving consumers feeling undervalued, or unsure of their role.
Dr Lisa Anemaat has recently been appointed Consumer and Community Involvement conjoint research fellow and member of the Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS) Research Consumer Group Steering Committee. She is leading a research project to identify needs to enhance consumer engagement in research.
“Despite guidelines, some consumer partnerships fall short, revealing a gap between Metro North’s strategic plan and patient-reported experiences,” Dr Anemaat said.
“The research project focuses on improving healthcare by ensuring that partnerships between researchers and patients are well-supported for genuine and impactful collaboration when conducting research.
“By pinpointing training and resource gaps, the research aims to enhance the quality of partnerships, ensuring that each collaboration is adequately supported.”
Ultimately results from the research project will highlight what is required to adequately resource partnership activities to ensure meaningful and authentic consumer involvement. Meaningful consumer involvement in research can lead to better healthcare services and better health outcomes for patients receiving care at STARS.
“The insights gained from the research will not only benefit Metro North but also may contribute to broader strategies for improving patient engagement across national research initiatives,” Dr Anemaat said.
Dr Anemaat’s Consumer and Community Involvement role is a conjoint position with Metro North and The University of Queensland’s School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. Her study is being funded by a 2023 Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Foundation Grant.